Hello ! 
Recently, I've been ripping enemies & tiles from The Legend of Zelda : Four Swords Adventures. What is awsome is that now, thanks to the collaboration of everyone (I haven't been the only one to do so), here are what we have, and what is still missing :
![[Image: sans-titre-52c7f9f.png]](http://img110.xooimage.com/files/d/9/6/sans-titre-52c7f9f.png)
Balls, Bumper and Wallmaster can wait. Their sprites are very basic, my dungon enemies spritesheet should be edited to include these. Currently, I am decided to rip the soldiers, because they are important enemies, but it is way too complicated. =( If someone is motivated to help me on this task,that would be very nice.
Let me explain why these foes are difficult to rip :
While using the dumping tool from Dolphin, you can retrieve the developpers spritesheets in a Dump folder. However, these spritesheets are a complete mess, and have to be rearranged :
This is an example of a spritesheet we can get, the one regrouping a large majority of the enemies. Each one is declined in numerous color. This is the blue one, for blue enemies (Snowball, Octorok ...). But blue Geldman for example are completely unused. So first thing first : we have to select the good color (or colors) for each foe. It's not alway easy. Sometime, you have a small color variation between two spritesheets.
But the worst part : do you see puzzle ? In a puzzle, adjacent pieces always slot perfectly. Too bad, that's not the case for this game !!!
If you take the Gibdo, you have to create 3 layers to assemble the upper body with it legs and arms ! It's like taking your puzzle piece, putting it on another one, and using scotch to stick them. :/
We can take an in game screenshot to see how complexe sprites are assembled, and try doing the same, the only problem being ... Well, it's Gamecube. So good luck retrieving the native resolution.![[Image: sans-titre-52c8072.png]](http://img110.xooimage.com/files/7/a/c/sans-titre-52c8072.png)
(I hope I haven't removed everybody's hope already.
Anyway, for complexe enemies like the soldier, what should be done is ripping every parts separately (if someone want to build it by itself), and then try to reconstitute the enemy. That's what I've done with the Gibdo. I just let a text to inform the construction might be wrong. But well ... no one has the perfect eye. If we could take screenshots with the native resolution, then we would be able to make easy & perfect rips. But that's not the case.
Currently, I'm trying to rip this archer. If someone could do something for maybe the bomb soldier, ball'n chain soldier, force soldier, or maybe Stalfos/Hinox (I haven't done anything for both), it would be very helpfull !
Just for the illustration : this is everything I need for my archer. The funny part is to assemble everything correctly. :/
![[Image: sans-titre-52c80ec.png]](http://img110.xooimage.com/files/0/d/6/sans-titre-52c80ec.png)
The steps to get the files isn't very difficult : just go in a level with the enemy, and use the dumping tool from Dolphin. Then, you just have to look in the folder at the spritesheets you get.

Recently, I've been ripping enemies & tiles from The Legend of Zelda : Four Swords Adventures. What is awsome is that now, thanks to the collaboration of everyone (I haven't been the only one to do so), here are what we have, and what is still missing :
![[Image: sans-titre-52c7f9f.png]](http://img110.xooimage.com/files/d/9/6/sans-titre-52c7f9f.png)
Balls, Bumper and Wallmaster can wait. Their sprites are very basic, my dungon enemies spritesheet should be edited to include these. Currently, I am decided to rip the soldiers, because they are important enemies, but it is way too complicated. =( If someone is motivated to help me on this task,that would be very nice.
Let me explain why these foes are difficult to rip :
While using the dumping tool from Dolphin, you can retrieve the developpers spritesheets in a Dump folder. However, these spritesheets are a complete mess, and have to be rearranged :
![[Image: g4sp01_2705ea08_8-52c8001.png]](http://img110.xooimage.com/files/4/4/1/g4sp01_2705ea08_8-52c8001.png)
This is an example of a spritesheet we can get, the one regrouping a large majority of the enemies. Each one is declined in numerous color. This is the blue one, for blue enemies (Snowball, Octorok ...). But blue Geldman for example are completely unused. So first thing first : we have to select the good color (or colors) for each foe. It's not alway easy. Sometime, you have a small color variation between two spritesheets.
But the worst part : do you see puzzle ? In a puzzle, adjacent pieces always slot perfectly. Too bad, that's not the case for this game !!!

If you take the Gibdo, you have to create 3 layers to assemble the upper body with it legs and arms ! It's like taking your puzzle piece, putting it on another one, and using scotch to stick them. :/
We can take an in game screenshot to see how complexe sprites are assembled, and try doing the same, the only problem being ... Well, it's Gamecube. So good luck retrieving the native resolution.
![[Image: sans-titre-52c8072.png]](http://img110.xooimage.com/files/7/a/c/sans-titre-52c8072.png)
(I hope I haven't removed everybody's hope already.

Anyway, for complexe enemies like the soldier, what should be done is ripping every parts separately (if someone want to build it by itself), and then try to reconstitute the enemy. That's what I've done with the Gibdo. I just let a text to inform the construction might be wrong. But well ... no one has the perfect eye. If we could take screenshots with the native resolution, then we would be able to make easy & perfect rips. But that's not the case.
Currently, I'm trying to rip this archer. If someone could do something for maybe the bomb soldier, ball'n chain soldier, force soldier, or maybe Stalfos/Hinox (I haven't done anything for both), it would be very helpfull !
Just for the illustration : this is everything I need for my archer. The funny part is to assemble everything correctly. :/
![[Image: sans-titre-52c80ec.png]](http://img110.xooimage.com/files/0/d/6/sans-titre-52c80ec.png)
The steps to get the files isn't very difficult : just go in a level with the enemy, and use the dumping tool from Dolphin. Then, you just have to look in the folder at the spritesheets you get.