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10-28-2017, 06:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2017, 09:34 AM by Warechu.
Edit Reason: Added a new game to the list.
I'm going to put some links in this thread for games I have completed sorting the audio. You're welcome to download them, also I'd like some feedback if I have made any mistakes when sorting the files.
First, the link to Megadimension Neptunia VII's event voices.!MGhRSCBC!9KFOwvDGJWf9EjMMiig3eA Do note that I didn't make subfolders for White Heart, and Green Heart inside the respective CPU's folder, I can't really tell the difference between the transformed and untransformed character's voices.
Next is God Eater Resurrection's audio files.!8bxRxT7b!G5My3SaW5bKY6lcCmGKU_Q It's not 100% done though, but it has every playable character, the mission operators, the monsters, and the sound effects. Just a few minor npcs are missing because I can't find their lines, as they aren't with the game's audio files, they are buried in the game's code. Also do not spam the comments complaining about Male Player 13 being voiced by Kate Higgins. Female VAs voicing male characters is not rare, in fact it's very common. Any comments complaining about it, I'll treat as troll comments.
God Eater 2 Rage Burst is now mostly done!EWhgFBzL!5qKeaHkbWSmrRhRBXIDpLA, but due to me having a massive FUBAR moment the story dialog is on hold temporarily. Oh and I couldn't find all the player VAs as quite a few are uncredited, so if any of you recognize the voices tell me. It may be a while before the story dialog is done though, As the FUBAR moment made me lose maybe half the story dialog. It still includes the battle dialog, monsters and SFX though, just the story related dialog isn't there.
Any feedback that isn't trolling would be appreciated, also tell me if anything goes wrong with downloading the files, or if I messed up the files so that I may fix any issues. I'll post more links as I finish sorting the files, but it may be a while before any updates happen as I work alone on these projects.
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11-13-2017, 02:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2017, 11:26 AM by Warechu.
Edit Reason: I forgot to mention that the files he gave me were only the complete ones, and the other 80% aren't fully complete.
I feel like I should just come clean. I didn't really do the rips for these games, a friend of mine did. But since he dislikes the community on this site he took the submissions for them down. He was furious that no one cared about a project that took months to complete. The files I was given are only the complete ones, which are about only around 20% of what he's actually done, as he refuses to share the rest of them. He was actually a nice guy before he submitted anything, but the wait for submission, and seeing shovelware games being accepted over the work he spent months on drove him off the deep edge. I feel bad about telling this story knowing how much he hates this community, but I feel guilty about taking credit for work I didn't do. Except the links, and checking the files to make sure nothing was wrong with them, I actually did those things. I wanted to avoid saying this as I don't like people knowing that I was taking credit for work that wasn't mine. At least until the files were given to me. I won't say who gave me them, because that'd be invasion of privacy, as he blatantly said to never mention his name anywhere on the site.
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Hello, thanks for the share , i am not sure to understand , so your friend wanted to share his work but some of them didnt get accpeted ?
couldnt he just share them like u did it now ?
Anyway send my thanks to him for his hard work , atleast i care about it :p .
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Well yes, he could have, but didn't want to. I'm assuming mostly due to being called a pirate, and getting DMCA takedowns. While I may not have ripped these files myself I do know how to, I just don't have time to sort thousands of files, unless I had others to sort the files for me, but I feel like that's too much to ask, considering I have no money.
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from what game ? if it is a game im interessed of i could sort it or atleast a part of it .
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Yea, tell him I said thanks! And thank you for uploading these!
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12-19-2017, 09:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-21-2017, 12:02 AM by Warechu.)
I have now finished Killing Floor 2's audio with the exception of the voices.!YaJQyLSa!g21HsymSH4cDYjQjG_Ce7Q
Sadly the voices aren't done and may take a long time to finish as I'd have to sort 10800 voice lines, and I'd have to sort them 1 by 1 by LISTENING TO EVERY SINGLE FILE TO DETERMINE WHO EACH ONE BELONGS TO BECAUSE THE FILE NAMES ARE JUST NUMBERS AND AREN'T SORTED AT ALL. And don't even get me started on the game having 6 languages available. Sorry about the caps lock, but I'm very tilted about sorting the voices taking so long,
Also there are some unused audio files, which I decide not to remove, so don't spam the comments asking why certain guns sound weird, as most of the unused audio is for the guns being test fired and recorded live.
Edit: I've now posted the voices sorted by language to my MEGA page, however they aren't sorted by character yet, as there are loads of files to sort and it will take a long time to sort that many files. I have added them to the link above so click that and it should take you to them.
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10,000 files is nothing. Most common bigger games have 50,000+. If youre going to rip bigger end games, you need to have the patience to organize them. As long as you split them into voices only by their respective language thats fine
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12-20-2017, 10:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2017, 10:31 PM by Warechu.)
Well 10800 isn't that bad, what I meant is there are 10800 for each of the 6 languages, so that'd be 64800 lines for just the voices alone. But you're right I wasn't thinking clearly at the time, I've just been very busy recently so I was worried that I won't be able to complete them without taking weeks, or even months. I will sort them by character eventually, but they won't be done any time soon. Also the files are sorted by language, Also another big issue is I don't know the character's voices outside the English version, so sorting the other languages will prove very difficult. I think I should at least try to see if anyone else wants to be part of the project, but I'll save that for another thread. Also I kinda messed up before saying the files were unsorted, what I meant was unsorted by character, but they are sorted by language, sometimes I don't think everything I say through.
I also forgot to mention that the files are .ogg files, not .wav files. I'm pretty sure it'd be pointless to convert a lossy format to a lossless format, as I don't think it'd really do anything. They are like this due to the converter, I don't actually know much about the wem files they came from, but I've heard they are very similar to .ogg files.
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*.wem is wwise audio. They should be converted to ogg.
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12-20-2017, 11:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-21-2017, 12:03 AM by Warechu.)
I know what the wem files are, what I meant is I wasn't sure about their headers because I didn't make the converter. Yet again I need to be more clear with what I say. I should spend more time being specific on things that matter instead of being on tilt and typing in ALL CAPS, and making inane remarks that don't matter, and overuse of emojis.
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(12-20-2017, 11:56 PM)Warechu Wrote: I know what the wem files are, what I meant is I wasn't sure about their headers because I didn't make the converter. Yet again I need to be more clear with what I say. I should spend more time being specific on things that matter instead of being on tilt and typing in ALL CAPS, and making inane remarks that don't matter, and overuse of emojis. 
I thought i posted this but any .wem files can be played in Foobar2000