12-30-2008, 02:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-31-2009, 04:41 PM by KillerAslox.)
There's a Xbox and Wii (and DS) list, so I thought: Why not make a PS3 list? (And PSP then...)
Forum Name - PSN ID - Online Games
~BRICKLIN~ - def-Ninja - LBP, Resistance 2
Goemar - Goemar - Pretty much everything that is online (WUT?)
Joshua Garrison - DUCK_JGarrison - TF2, LBP, MGO, GTA4
KillerAslox - Quiryll - CoD4 and Co
WaW - Quiryll2 - LBP (Ya, I have 2 accounts
Rags - LMRags - LBP
X Gamer 66 - X_Gamer_66 - MGO, Soulcalibur IV, SSFIITHDR
Zeemort - Zeemort - IS SORRY FOR BEING POOR
zeph - zephiel87 - LBP, Warhawk, Burnout Paradise, SSF2THDR, Wipeout HD
Forum Name - PSP - Online Games
Diogalesu - Diogalesu - MGSPO+, N+
TheGamerParody - ~TheGamerParody~ - WipeOut [Pulse], Syphonfilter CO
Forum Name - PSN ID - Online Games
~BRICKLIN~ - def-Ninja - LBP, Resistance 2
Goemar - Goemar - Pretty much everything that is online (WUT?)
Joshua Garrison - DUCK_JGarrison - TF2, LBP, MGO, GTA4
KillerAslox - Quiryll - CoD4 and Co

Rags - LMRags - LBP
X Gamer 66 - X_Gamer_66 - MGO, Soulcalibur IV, SSFIITHDR
Zeemort - Zeemort - IS SORRY FOR BEING POOR
zeph - zephiel87 - LBP, Warhawk, Burnout Paradise, SSF2THDR, Wipeout HD
Forum Name - PSP - Online Games
Diogalesu - Diogalesu - MGSPO+, N+
TheGamerParody - ~TheGamerParody~ - WipeOut [Pulse], Syphonfilter CO