10-29-2018, 07:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2021, 12:55 AM by sil3nt j.)
What up Spriter's Resource? Been a fan of this site for a while and just wanted to say thanks for the sprites. Used a lot of the ones from here for sprite sheets that I've made for Mugen. I've had several people ask for this one, so I hope you like it. It is still incomplete, it's only about half done. But figured I would post what I have.
Sorry to hear what happened on the guild. I was trying to send you a PM, but they do not allow me to send PMs there (no idea why). I wanted to tell you about Jason by Chuchoryu, and Freddy by Carnage777. Jason will be out within a week, and Carnage777 is busy drawing Freddy's sprites.
Great work so far on Pinhead, can't wait to see the complete sheet. I will try and pop by here to check up on the progress.
Please feel free to stop by Mugen Multiverse to say hi sometime. I am the administrator over there. Our staff will treat you with the respect you deserve
I will drop by as well with Michael Myers update for you (planning his release 1st update release for November 4th. I didn't get all the new stuff added for Halloween as I was busy on other projects. All the other new stuff you added will be added to the character, as well as a ton of code fixing before Christmas.
Cheers and happy to see you still at work on Pinhead
10-30-2018, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-30-2018, 09:57 PM by sil3nt j.)
Well thanks Ton, glad you liked it. Always thought it would be cool if they did make a NES Hellraiser game. I know there was rumors that one was in the works at one point.
And thanks a lot that.guy. I will stop by some time for sure. You don't have to be sorry though, just thought it was kind of childish so I left.
That's cool to hear about Freddy and Jason. Any ideas for the moves? Not sure if you saw my last post there, but for those who didn't, was thinking maybe they could be like the Ryu and Ken characters... Jason being the default Player 1 character and Freddy being the default Player 2 character. And each would have 3 Shotokan type moves with Jason being the slower and stronger and Freddy being the faster but weaker.
Looking forward to seeing them and Michael. Hope you have a good Halloween if you celebrate it.
Also, I did a little bit of youtube browsing and saw that someone made: Ash, Slender Man, and Samara/Ella. And then of course Michael. So that's 4 that have been made, then there are sprite sheets for Pinhead and Eric Draven. So if Jason and Freddy get made, that would be an even 8 which would be enough to make a half decent mini game. It wouldn't be much, but it could be something to build on. I was thinking that roster wise it could either be like Virtua Fighter 1 with 8 playable characters and 1 hidden boss (Pinhead), or that it could be like Marvel Super Heroes with 8 playable characters and 2 hidden bosses. Just for starters. I was thinking of calling it something like:
The full game plan all sounds good. I'll help out here and there, where and when I can.
You might get more people interested in helping make characters if you post a thread about the full game project.
There are already 4 people currently working on characters (Chuchoryu, Carnage777, you and me).
There are people around that do screenpacks, and stages. Hopefully we can grab some more attention to this great project.
Jason (release in the next few days) vs Freddy (early wip)...
I'm not sure on the gameplay for either of them. Here is a preview:
and some progress on Michael Myers by silent J:
I added a crouch/air knife throw, and added most of the newer stuff made by you to him for Halloween Event Release.
10-31-2018, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2018, 09:19 AM by sil3nt j.)
Hmm ok, maybe I will make another topic soon. Michael looks okay, if I could make a couple of suggestions though: Maybe give him his special where he slashes forward. Wanted him to have a move similar to the one Yamazaki has. Also, the pose that he uses for his first win pose was never meant to be a win pose. That was just his turning sprite. Also, I re-did the stance in the latest version of the sprite sheet. The one in the video only has 3 frames and the light source was off. I was just starting out when I made that original sprite and was still pretty unsure how to do the light source. But the new stance actually has 5 frames and I fixed the shading. I also fixed some of the other sprites in the latest version of the sprite sheet that was posted. Also, why does he have a crouching knife throw? I was thinking of maybe re-doing the arm on the throw move.
Jason and Freddy look decent. If I could get the Jason sprite sheet, I would touch up the shoes. Also, Freddy only has a claw on one hand. Here was what I had for moves for Freddy and Jason.
- A move where he throws a hatchet (hadouken)
- A move where he dashes forward and either slashes or throws a shoulder (hurricane kick)
- A move where he does a rising uppercut with the machete (shoryuken)
- A move where he extends his arm across the screen to claw the opponent, based off of his NES moves (hadouken)
- A move like Sabertooth's berserker claw (hurricane kick)
- A move where he does a rising uppercut with the claw (shoryuken)
Yes this release for Halloween event won't have the slash or other stuff.
I will re-do his moves completely for the Christmas release mostly based on your guide for how the moves should be.
He will go from 4 button to a 6 button for Christmas as well
Those Freddy and Jason plans sound good. Jason will be released shortly so we will see what moveset Chuchryu has planned.
If need be, I am a coder so we can always change things up the way you wanted for your game.
Sounds good, just to show you what I mean for Michael Myers, here is a before and after. Accidentally put the after first. If you see below, the bottom 3 sprites are the old stance. The top 5 are the new one. The shading was changed. The sprites below have the same upper body, but have the new shading as well. Just wanted to let you know. Also, tried signing up for your site, but I cant get into my email for some reason, so might have to try it again.
Started on Chucky too. Thanks to sprites-inc.co.uk for the roll sprites. Couldnt decide how I wanted to do the knife. This character should be really easy. Can probably get him done in a couple days once I get the time.
11-07-2018, 07:09 PM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2018, 07:12 PM by sil3nt j.)
Sounds good. I adjusted the colors for Jason and tried to fix the hands. It is based off of Friday the 13th Part 3 (the one where first wore the hockey mask). He had the blue jeans and black shoes in that movie. Also, the shade of green is different in these sprites:
11-09-2018, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2018, 11:40 AM by CAMARAO.)
Hey sil3nt j
remember me.. I'm the one who said on the mugen guild site I'd help you in the zombies.
I'm sorry for what happened.
I've also been annoyed at this site. Now I use more mugen multiverse .. so the staff is friendlier and gives more feedback. you should exprement friend. http://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/forum
Here`s the pinhead zombies
the colors already are done
just need to sew the pants and put on the missing shoe hehe
and this i made just for fun and to give more motivation xD
Well thanks Flavio, those zombie sprites are awesome. I just have to go back and add the shoes to Frank (the gray one) and remove the shoes from Julia (the white one). The plan for that move was to have a version that hits high and a version that hits low. Frank will be the one that hits high, Julia will hit low. Also, Julia will be the fast projectile and Frank will be slow. It should look similar to this:
Also, found some portraits of Jason and Freddy that Prime Op did on his scroll boss mugen boss site, here's the original link:
And I made some portraits for Slender man and Samara / Ella too. Slender man is pretty much done, I just have to touch up the Samara one. I put all the ones I had so far side by side:
Lol and I cant believe someone still has those old sprites. That inspired me to make this, the starting roster I wanted to have for this game:
And lastly, I found this sweet video that someone made of Ash vs Samara. Just a preview of what the finished product could be: