I wish i knew how to rip the models myself, i searched high and low for a straight answer but was unsuccessful. However if its the textures you're after then that i can help with.
If you use the Citra Emulator (which is what i use) it has a built in texture dumper, its a little awkward to use though, for it to even rip the stuff it has to be active on boot up of the game your trying to rip stuff from.(Do not use it for FMV clips else itl clog the folder it dumps it to like TP in a toilet!) don't worry though, after boot up you can turn it on and off at any time, also unlike the method for the original DS it only rips one of each texture/sprite/frame instead of making a several identical copies.
How to enable:
Go to configure and to the Graphics section, in the enhancements tab look for a box with the words "Dump Textures" on it, ticking it will enable it.
after that just boot up the rom.
I cant guarantee itl rip everything but ive been using it to rip the textures from Rune Factory 4 and it seems to work just fine, i hope this at least solves the texture half of your dilemma good luck and i hope you get the other solution you're after!
Edit date: 24/2/2020
To be able to access the models you will need the following tools:
HackingToolkit9DS (to de-compile the rom itself to even begin)
Ohana3DS and or SPICA(preferable the 1st one if its just the models and textures to view them)
Step 1: grab a rom(could be pokemn or something else)
Step 2: decompile it in HackingToolkit3DS(make sure its undecrypted)
Step 3: once Decomiled enter the Folder " ExtractedRomsFS" then locate the folder(s) where the models are being kept( it varies game to game)
Step 4: open the file when you locate it ( the format varies but heres 3 that use models

Step 5: extract the textures and models youre after
Step 6: fix the textures back on the models in blender and youre all set! today i Ripped the Palm Cat from Rune Factory 4 and it was a huge sucess! hope this has helped you!