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I'm Topaz Light! I'm never really quite sure what to do with these introductory posts, but making them does seem the proper thing to do.

I'm an amateur game developer who also loves coming up with stories, characters, worlds, etc.! I do art (traditional and pixel, but sadly not digital due to a lack of equipment for it) on the side, as well; mainly just as a hobby!

I tend to really love, like... specifically the type of JRPG that games like mainline Dragon Quest, the first ten Final Fantasies, the MOTHER and Golden Sun trilogies, etc. are, but I also love things like... action platformers? Is that what genre Mega Man counts as? And whatever the heck genre people consider the mainline Zelda series to be. I don't know the exact dividing lines between a lot of these really specific genres, but I hope that gives a clear enough idea of what kinds of games I tend to gravitate towards, although I by no means like EXCLUSIVELY those games.

I've actually been using the main resource sites for years now, but this is the first time I actually signed up for an account.

That's... about all I can think of, but I look forward to checking the forums here out!
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Sounds like we've got a bit in common! I'm an amateur game developer as well. Recently I've been working on a small project using assets I've already made. I figure I need to get something out there so I can start building up to some of my more grandiose ideas.

I'm a big JRPG fan as well, especially the Final Fantasy series! Out of curiosity, are you familiar with the Breath of Fire or Suikoden games? If not, you may enjoy them! I think the Mega Man games are just platformers? I mean I guess they could be considered actiony with the shooting, but Mario kind of shoots too doesn't he? I'm not sure if I want to open the Zelda genre can of worms, but I personally consider most of them as “adventure games”. Genres in basically everything are fairly loose, so I wouldn't stress about it too much.

Have fun with the forums! If you ever need help with anything feel free to ask!
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