I'm also having issues with steam games and Ninjaripper. I'm using the injector on the game EXE, but this game has a launcher built into it that the game runs through. The game I'm trying to extract from is Railroad Empire. Here is the log file from the failed rip:
1001/163910 [2218] Ninja Ripper 1.7.1 x64
1001/163910 [2218] © black_ninja, 2017
1001/163910 [2218] LOG START
1001/163910 [2218] Executable: G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Railway Empire\RailwayEmpire.exe
1001/163910 [2218] Output directory:

\Documents\Game Tools\ninjaripper1.7.1_with_new_script\Rips\_NinjaRipper\2020.10.01_16.39.10_RailwayEmpire.exe_1632\
1001/163910 [2218] Win ver: 6.2 x64
1001/163910 [2218] Inject mode: "intruder"
1001/163910 [2218] Texture downscale max width : 4096
1001/163910 [2218] Texture downscale max height: 4096
1001/163910 [2218] Texture downscale value: 2
1001/163910 [2218] LdrLoadDll hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD563A4380
1001/163910 [2218] LdrUnloadDll hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD563A3940
1001/163910 [2218] CreateProcessA hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD552CC700
1001/163910 [2218] CreateProcessW hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD552CCB00
1001/163910 [2218] CreateProcessAsUserW hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD55BF7910
1001/163910 [2218] CreateProcessWithLogonW hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD55C27690
1001/163910 [2218] CreateProcessWithTokenW hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD55BE42F0
1001/163910 [2218] SetTokenInformation hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD55C0EE80
1001/163910 [2218] D3D11 ripper init
1001/163910 [2218] D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD4F9BF070
1001/163910 [2218] D3D11CreateDevice hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD4F9BEF00
1001/163910 [2218] DXGI init
1001/163910 [2218] CreateDXGIFactory hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD52419350
1001/163911 [2218] CreateDXGIFactory1 hooked. Target: 0x00007FFD524194F0
1001/163911 [2218] CreateProcessW("

\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe") return: 1
1001/163911 [2218] Injecting to child process. Status: OK