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I have trouble with ripping models from Unity Engine with AssetStudio
I follow this tutorial But  it only find  basic stuff like the logo and 3d models of cube and circles. It didn't found any character models. What am I doing wrong? Ps: I just realized that I posted this to wrong category yesterday. Thats why I am posting it here sry
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(01-28-2021, 08:34 AM)randomguy123 Wrote: I follow this tutorial But  it only find  basic stuff like the logo and 3d models of cube and circles. It didn't found any character models. What am I doing wrong? Ps: I just realized that I posted this to wrong category yesterday. Thats why I am posting it here sry

It's soooo much time that I don't enter on this site or I have time to ripp something, but I miss it. Well.... (don't be offended) as most of the newbies you don't give so much infos, so people with have an hard time to understand what you are missing. I suppose that you didn't find the correct path of the unity assets. Obviously it depends on the game. So to summarize:
1) The unity game assets may be (encripted or not) inside one or multiple archieves (as .bin, .arc..and so on)
2) If you are looking into a mobile android game...probably you are looking on the wrong folder...some android games put the 3d assets on the Android root on Android>data>......etc. etc (>name of the game or game company>...). To on this folder you may need to root your phone/android emulator.
3) Your Android Studio is not compatible with the 3d unity game assets...mybe the game is too new or your version of the tool is too old, so google for the last version of the tool.
4)Good luck^^...time to go back on my hibernation capsule!
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