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LEGO Dimensions model ripping tutorial
Some people have been asking me how to extract models from the game LEGO Dimensions, so here's a little tutorial on how to do it! Big Grin

Before you'll start:
  • Wii U, PS3, and XBOX 360 uses the NXG.GHG file format for models, while PS4 and XBOX ONE uses DX11.GHG.
  • DLC number names are different for each console.
  • ExtractNxgMESH tool tends to not extract most of the the models, at least on my end. I got it to extract all the Sonic content but refuses to extract the Teen Titans GO! content.
What you'll need:
Alright, here we go!:

1. Find GAME(Number).DAT or DLC(Number).DAT in your game folder. Here's a rundown from what I've kinda seen:
  • GAME1-6: Base game stuff. Includes base minifig stuff as well.
  • DLC1-8: Year 1 level packs contents. (I think)
  • DLC9, DLC21, DLC24, DLC27, DLC30: Year 2 stuff for playable characters, their items, and their vehicles/gadgets.
  • Rest of DLC: Year 2 hub worlds, story packs, and level packs contents.
2. Open quickbms and select the script.

3. Again, find GAME(Number).DAT or DLC(Number).DAT in your game folder.

4. Now, find and go in the output folder in the quickbms folder and press Save. quickbms will extract the contents to the output folder.

5. Now, for example, if I want a face/head for a character, I'll navigate to output\CHARS\SUPER_CHARACTER\FACE, and the file will be FACE_(Name)_NXG.GHG for Wii U/PS3/X360 users, FACE_(Name)_DX11.GHG for PS4/XBONE users

6. Drag the file to the ExtractNxgMESH or ExtractDX11MESH tools, the model(s) will be extracted to the same place as the file.

Now, you can view them in Noesis, import them to Blender, whatever you can do with it.

Hope this helps, and feel free to ask me in replies or PM.
Thanked by: Stix, traxor21
Hey I was wondering if you could help me do something similar to this for LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
Basically I'm trying to get PC mods to work on my RGH Xbox 360 for custom characters and stuff like that. The files in the game seem the same for the most part but the actual character models are different files (ex: PC version is CHARACTERNAME_PC.GHG, Xbox version is CHARACTERNAME_360.GHG)
I have no idea how to convert these files or whatever to make them compatible but I know it's possible to add NPC's (already in the game) to the player list (like jabba, rancor, skeleton, etc.) so I don't think it's too far off to be able to play as custom characters.
I've looked around the internet a lot and can't seem to find any conversion tools or anything to make the custom character mods on PC work on the Xbox 360, and I have absolutely no knowledge in how to make a tool or how to get this stuff to work so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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It's been a bit since this was put up but I've come across an issue I wasn't sure if I could get help with. I've got the copy of the game, I've got the GHG files and I can drag them into ExtractNxg all I want, but nothing seems to visually change. The black box pops up for split second but everything stays the same. Am I looking in the wrong place, does it get converted to a different file type, or is that just what happens when it fails? I've tried several models from the base game and DLC already but I'm not sure what the end result should be.
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Hi! I hope I'm not too late to post this...

I'm trying to rip all of the Doctors from Doctor Who out of LEGO Dimensions, and I'm having some problems. I've done everything you said, and I'm having trouble in the last step. 

When I drag any FACE_(Name)_NXG.GHG file to ExtractNxg.MESH.exe nothing happens (well, a cmd window opens and closes very fast, but that's it). At first I thought that maybe the models that I was trying to extract just didn't work with ExtractNxg just like the Teen Titan models you mentioned, but that's not the case. I tried to drag the Shaggy face file into ExtractNxg and nothing happened again, and I know for a fact that Shaggy's model can be extracted because I've seen it here. I'm not doing anything wrong, am I? This is the first time that I try to extract models from a game, so I wouldn't be surprised tbh (in fact, I created this account just to answer to this post hehe).

I was also wondering: after dragging the FACE.GHG file into ExtractNxg would I have a model of just the head, or of the full minifig?

Anyways, thank you for your tutorial and thanks in advance in case you answer this post!
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The NXG Extractor just opens and closes and not ripping any thing is the Any thing I need to do here
and I can't rip LOTR
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Why hasn't everything come up if you got everything extracted? I'm really wanting Mecha and Robo Sonic, but they aren't on either Lego Dimensions site..
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hey MrLoogie363, I was wondering if i can get some help. for about a year now I've been trying to recreate the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man boss from the Ghostbusters DLC from lego dimensions so i and others can have a 1 to 1 leog recreation of him. I've gotten a good chunk of it made, but there are quite a few spots where having the actual model of it for reference would be amazing to have. I have contacted teh original model designer to see if he could help but he said he cant help me and he no longer has the original file but im free to take on this project anyway. Ive tried to see if i could extract eh model myself, but I dont have the time, skills or resources (or at least i dont think i have the right resources.) to do it at the moment. i've tried reaching out in different online communites and other individuals to help me, but to no avail. I was wondering if you could help me out with getting the model for the Stay puft marshmallow man boss from the game either by walking me through the steps or by comission (even though i dont have the largest budget), or you could point me to someone else who you think could help, or some other means.
I do have A lead with an internet archive post that says it has all the files. i looked at it and saw alot of .DAT and .DAT2 files, but i dont know which is which. but thats as far as i've gotten and im lost from there. I'll attach a picture of what i've got so far just to show that im serious about this and what im trying to do. 

I hope this makes it to you and you can help me out. you are kind of my last hope.


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