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Hello people I'm Small Wolf and I'm here to say I'm working hard on ripping a H-rated game Called "Echidna Wars DX" I'm So Exciting that that game Hasn't ripped before and I want to introduce myself that this game is rippable and I need help on recruiting someone who can actually help me rip the rest of the games Stages ,Playable Characters and Enemies  Wink     This game is hard to ripped since you need Ninja Ripper to Rip this game's sprites but i manage to successfully ripped Mirea character and The First Stage on the first area.     you may see these in a short time so Cya around  Wink

Also I made this Mirea Beating Spiderman, sash lilac, Sailor Moon and Basically a Sachiho Skin as well as Metal sonic
Thanked by: Kold-Virus, sawibis659
Nice! Hi there!
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