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A question of sorts regarding requests
I understand that requests are not "allowed", however my question is... If requesting help on spriting is forbidden (such as having people work on specific parts of a sheet, etc), then how can developers get what they need for a project? It seems kind of silly to have individuals take on full spriting tasks without someone to actually have a use for the sprites beforehand. Granted it is fun to sprite *just because*, but it defeats the purpose of spriting in the first place Tongue

My personal suggestion would be to open up a board specifically tailored to sprite requests, or perhaps project organization. A lot of game developers and flash movie developers browse TSR who do not have the spriting talents they need to complete their tasks. If they don't have the means to gain interest in their project and bring people on board, it just doesn't make sense to sprite in the first place Tongue

Anywho <_< Just thought I'd ask and throw a small agenda in the mix >_>
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If people are interested in your project and request to help, that's one thing. That's fine and good. You're not making a request-- people are volunteering themselves. But if you start a project and do not consider to chances of no one being interested in your project and you do not consider the possibility that it may be a solo project, that just shows your ineptitude as a program head.

Now, how to gain interest in your project? Perhaps going to the SPRITE PROJECTS board or the FAN GAMES board might help answer that question.

As far as the difficulties of leading a one-man project goes... That's really not our problem. It's not like it's impossible.

For instance...
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(01-27-2009, 05:31 PM)Geo the Fox Wrote: no

If people are interested in your project and request to help, that's one thing. That's fine and good. You're not making a request-- people are volunteering themselves. But if you start a project and do not consider to chances of no one being interested in your project and you do not consider the possibility that it may be a solo project, that just shows your ineptitude as a program head.

Now, how to gain interest in your project? Perhaps going to the SPRITE PROJECTS board or the FAN GAMES board might help answer that question.

As far as the difficulties of leading a one-man project goes... That's really not our problem. It's not like it's impossible.

For instance...

You're being quite ignorantly condescending and undershooting your helpfulness.

I'm an experienced game designer; I know how to gain interest on a project. I'm also fully aware on how to lead a one man project. It's not that difficult when you know what you're doing.

As for the potential of nobody being interested; the fact is, I would only broadcast a project that already has people interested and working on it actively. The point is to gather more interest and bring people in on it.

The purpose of doing graphic art isn't to have everyone circlejerk you for it; it's to have them used in projects. Sprites are pointless if theres no demand or use for them. While it's cool to take on spriting tasks that obviously have a demand, it's just foolish to go into them for no reason. A lot of wasted time mainly, and a lot of wasted potential.

Cutting out the room for requests on a forum built for spriters is like sawing off one of their hands, and limiting their potential. If they can't have new tasks to challenge them, then they'll never develop into professional spriters.
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Geo is quite on the ball. No Requesting at all is aloud. Not for working on a sheet, not for anything. If you start up a project however in the sprite project area then people might be willing to help if it is a good idea.

Meaning if you want help for something make a topic in the Sprite Project area saying in the topic's first post "I'm willing to accept help" as well as explain the project and posting what you have done so far all in the first post if you can keep it that way.

Did you know how many noobs would be asking for such things is requests were aloud? Before you get all righteous on our asses on how requests aren't totally a bad thing maybe you should see if from the staff's point of view first to get both sides of the story m'kay?

If you already know how to deal with a project then why don't you just make one here if you want help with sprites that badly? You don't have to be an ass to other members who know the rules better then you. If you have an issue you take it up with the staff next time ok? If you have an issue with the staff then you take it up with Dazz since he is the owner of tSR.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Mamoruanime, Mamoruanime
I was under the impression that only applied if you were basically saying "Do it all for me" or, "I got a great story, nao you sprite and program", or even "I got gr8 sprites, can anyone program?". IMO its perfectly reasonable to ask for help if you can program well and its a good idea but don't have much talent with spriting.
Thanked by: Mamoruanime, Mamoruanime
Tuna hit the nail on the head for what I was wondering. There should be nothing wrong with requests to have someone help with the workload (as apposed to taking on all of the work themselves).

Anyway; I've found a forum that suits my needs much better than this one does, and actually Tuna you're a member of it too. (I was a member of it a long time ago, but since the move and such I lost track of it).
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As for what Tuna said your better off for asking for help in the sprite project bored then. Just making a topic in any of the other areas would be frowned upon.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Mamoruanime, Mamoruanime
I was under the impression that requests were allowed only if the guy asking for help or free stuff already had made some contributions of worth to this site. Aka, helping lots of other people, submiting lots of good spritesheets and things like that instead of just talking and then talking even more.
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Nope. Not allowed.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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nothing here is aloud, this is a message board lol
(01-27-2009, 09:53 PM)Mamoruanime Wrote: Cutting out the room for requests on a forum built for spriters is like sawing off one of their hands, and limiting their potential. If they can't have new tasks to challenge them, then they'll never develop into professional spriters.

ignoring everything else cause it's unfortunately rubbish. I just wanted to respond to this part. And yes I am aware of how assholish that makes me sound.

First off, it's not like this forum, or rather, the older incarnates of this forum didn't have request forums. PT used to have some. Several times. As shops or juss normal request forums.

As a person who's seen all of this first hand, i can proudly tell you...

They were all failures.

I highly doubt something that's failed at least 10 times, is gonna work again on number 11.

If you really know how to manage a project, then go gain interest for your project the real way. You do not need a request forum. And we don't need to join a game project to release creative energies. Hell, a good few of the good artists on this board juss sprite/draw for the hell of it. Look around. It's already proven.

Before you refer to me as ignorant, though i'll accept condescending, no problem, please make sure you, yourself, aren't spouting nonsense. My apologies for being rude.
That's why you simply ignore the nonsensical requests. Not all requests need to be honored, plain and simple. Intelligent adults are able to sort through the good and the bad and choose what to respond to. Some things just don't need a response. I've seen many request boards, and yeah; they're filled with crap typically. However there are legit requests for team members and such.

I'm not so much talking about requests for "sprite a" or "sprite b" though; more so about getting people involved in a project. Adding spriters to a team, etc. There are a lot of mobile phone development companies (VivaLaMobile for instance) that use forums like this to bring in staff. I know this because when they decided to develop my project "Helix", they went through boards like Pixelation to find someone qualified, and offered them a job. Typically they would make a request for a sprite, and if someone could design it the way they wanted it, they would hire them. While that's not always the case, the fact remains that it does happen, and it's a shame to remove that element from a board with talented artists (especially considering the pay graphic artists make in comparison to the programmers typically).

I apologize for the misunderstanding; I was not saying you are ignorant; I was stating that instead of answering the question in a respectful manor, you decided to bring in personal elements that did not need to be made part of the discussion. You yourself are very well versed and intelligent, so I'm sorry it came off that way; I'm just rather picky about getting responses that jumble things that pertain to the thread and things that really have no place for it.
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I still don't get this.

If I am not a good spriter I post my plan in the "sprite project" saying "I'm willing to accept help with ___" hoping some one will offer to help.


"This board is for projects THAT ARE ALREADY UP AND RUNNING. Projects with no material to show will be locked"

Well if I can't sprite how do I produce "materials" to show. Do I explain my story? If I am not quite sure what direction to go with some thing where do I ask for feedback?

Just saying "I want to start ___, anyone want in?" is a big no, no?
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Nobody is going to help you if you don't even bother attempting it first.

Saying "I did but it turned out crappy, so I'm not posting it" doesn't prove anything either.
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So I just post no matter how it looks (even stick figures) and then say "I don't like it, I am willing to accept help that follow these guide lines...."?
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