Heya! Just joined this community in the hopes of receiving constructive feedback in my barely started journey on pixel art and tiling. Recently started working on a custom Pokemon tiselet on an isometric perspective and wanted to receive feedback on it, as I just managed to complete Pallet Town.
Just want to point out that I am trying to stay as true as I can to the original pallete on FireRed/LeafGreen, and that the design may not be exactly the same as in the original games. I'll stop typing and let you see what I have come up with, will be looking forward to your feedback!
01 - Pallet Town:
Just want to point out that I am trying to stay as true as I can to the original pallete on FireRed/LeafGreen, and that the design may not be exactly the same as in the original games. I'll stop typing and let you see what I have come up with, will be looking forward to your feedback!
01 - Pallet Town: