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First Game You Ever Played?
Donkey Kong, my family loved that giant ape :].
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Either Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: The Manhattan Project

I can't remember which, but it's definitley one of those 2...I DO remember plugging in my NES cord, and almost burning the house down though...That and my SNES only playing games(or I should say 'Super Mario World' since that's all I had for it...) in Black & White
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super mario world on the snes when I was 2. It was the first game I ever got too. Still love playing it to this day.
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X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse and Mortal Kombat(dont remember which one i played first, but i remember playing both of them right after the other when i was finally allowed in the game room

i was like 4 at the time too hahaha
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halo 3, yesterday.
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SMB/Duck Hunt OR TMNT arcade game OR Rambo
I can't exactly remember which one I played first(probably SMB)
My cousins came one day with a NES and those 3 games
At the end of the day, they gave me it =3
I was 3...
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doom 2
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Woulda been DOOM (Yep thats about it) when I was atleast 4/5 my brother played a prank on me and put a sticker over the rating that said G and i fell for it, Fuck i couldn't even sleep that night, i was scared shitless.
[Image: oaaxxk.jpg]
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Super Mario Bros. & Sonic 2
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Sonic 1 on my Mega Drive, it came on a compilation cart with Sega Soccer, Columns, Super Monaco, Revenge of Shinobi and Streets of Rage. They were quite good times.
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IDR exactly
it'll either be Sonic 2, Mortal Kombat or Lion King on the Mega Drive, I think.
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(01-28-2009, 12:44 AM)Suigin Wrote: akalabet

actually i think it was some amiga game the oldest i remember was stellar7

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The first games I remember playing were Virtual Bart, The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Movie Game, and A TMNT Fighting game on the SNES which name I forget.
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Either Donkey Kong 64 or Pokemon Yellow. I forgot which came first but I do remember it was on my 5th birthday.
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