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Extracting sprites from the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters (PC versions)
I've been wanting to get my hands on more complete sprite collections for these games since they came out, but it looks like only Final Fantasy I has had anything ripped at all, and it's primarily the really obvious "first order of business"-type stuff. Which is great! I'm super grateful that those were extracted, but I would like to get my hands on stuff from the rest of the currently-released remasters. Especially Final Fantasy III, since is the first time that game's ever had a (released) 2D remaster or remake.

I do have legally-purchased Steam versions of these games on my computer to work with. I figure there's gotta be a more efficient way to go about it than just screenshotting every sprite I want individually, especially since the game doesn't seem to always (maybe ever) draw sprites at clean multiples of their internal dimensions... but I don't know what those are. Any help would be appreciated!

EDIT: Never mind, I ended up figuring it out! For anyone coming here because they're curious about it, themselves, graphical assets are stored in the various .BUNDLE files in...
STEAM\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY PR\FINAL FANTASY_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64

Equivalent filepaths exist for Final Fantasies II and III, and things are in the same format for all three games.

AssetStudio is the program I've been using to peruse those files, and it's really easy to export them. The "Sprite"-type assets are the images, and sorting by type (just click "Type" in the window) in the Asset List tab sorts all Sprite assets to the top of the list. Note that tilesets seem to be mirrored vertically from how they appear in-game for some reason, but that's super easy to fix with just about any image editing program out there.
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Thank you for sharing the insight.
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