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Once this pandemic is over, what will you do first?
Where I am, the restrictions have fortunately started lifting at a slow but steady pace. So, surprisingly this September I ended up travelling to visit family since the border recently re-opened in Canada. Originally that was what I would have replied with on this thread for what I'd do. I still mask up in public spaces but there's less of that tension that was prevalent at the first waves. But I understand it's not the same everywhere and I hope things improve across the globe!

As for what I'd like to do now, one I would do first is book a visit to an interactive museum exhibit or an arcade! Museums especially... I miss the science centers where you have all of those installations that you can interact with. Like laying on a needle bed. Might be a little odd but I find them fun and I'd like to experience it without a lingering anxiety in the back of my mind, haha.
Thanked by: Kold-Virus
Hey N0RTH, what do you think about Canada? Big Grin I live there too.
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(09-30-2021, 10:15 PM)Kold-Virus Wrote: Hey N0RTH, what do you think about Canada? Big Grin I live there too.

Definitely missed it. Hard not to miss being in one's home country... It was nice. ^^
Thanked by: Kold-Virus
Ooh, you're from there too? Awesome! Big Grin Ontario is my fav province, planning a move there sometime! And yeah, I'd be homesick too outside Canada...
Thanked by: N0RTHBIRD
I will try to move to another country, since this is my main goal.
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(03-21-2021, 05:25 AM)BronzeHeart92 Wrote: Personally, I might go for such simple things as going to museums and theatres again. What about yourselves?

well, it ended according to where I live...
It was a traffic Disaster
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(11-10-2021, 08:25 AM)gui_1988 Wrote: I will try to move to another country, since this is my main goal.

Good luck. Smile
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