04-01-2022, 04:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-01-2022, 08:08 AM by CraftyMaelyss.
Edit Reason: Fixed title to be more accurate
I'm after a tool/program that will enable modding of an old xbox 360 game. At the moment, I can partially mod it by renaming and swapping files with other files that already exist in the game. There is also an abandoned program made by NCDyson that can open and view the models and textures of the game:https://github.com/NCDyson/RareView
I have full permission from NCDyson to use this program to help figure out how to do this. That said, my coding knowledge is limited to C# from self taught game development with Unity and I've spent a good while trying to teach myself how to make and modify this program, however there's no guides to help me out and after struggling long enough, I decided it was time to reach out for help. The issue of rigging and converting files is the only thing stopping custom mods for this game from becoming a reality. This modding is possible through the Xenia_canary emulator and I own a legal copy of the game as well, which I can prove if anyone has any concerns about piracy.
I'm looking for a custom tool specifically to extract assets from Kameo: Elements of Power for the xbox 360, then convert them into .fbx/.obj files.
I want a program where it will open the game's ISO like a proper file explorer and allow viewing and extraction of:
Then export the files as .fbx or .obj in blender 2.79.
The second part of the program, is to convert .fbx/.obj files back into the game's native files.
Now this game uses .lvl and .MDL files. .lvl contains the entire level and assets within said level, while .MDL files contain extra skins/costumes for playable characters.
As I haven't done this kind of commission before, I am open to negotiations of price and if possible, I would prefer to continue discussions through discord(as I use discord daily due for work as a game dev) I can also be contacted through the Kameo: The United Fandom discord server as well. I'm also going to include one of the files from the ISO so people can see/experiment with, but I won't include the full game for obvious reasons.
Thank you for your time, I hope to hear from someone soon! If you would like me to include anymore details, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to comply so we can bring this program to reality