Hi there, I'm using ninetalesommander's Pokkén Tournament DX blender templates (https://www.deviantart.com/ninetalescomm...-3d-models), and I am having lots of fun creating renders, but... I'm a bit anxious about if nobody's been able yet to successfully extract the in-game animations of all Pokémon. I want to use these animations as a starting point to make renders from there onwards, but also create .GIF files that display animated pictures of every possible attack in-game on the Pokkén Tournament wiki on fandom.
So the main idea is: has anyone got a link to all of the extracted files of Pokkén Tournament DX somewhere where I don't have to get them directly from my Switch, and possibly messing something up with it big time? I'm not quite fond of jailbreaking my own Switch just to get game files for myself. If you have managed to find someone or somewhere that has those files, animations in particular, I will greatly appreciate your help
So the main idea is: has anyone got a link to all of the extracted files of Pokkén Tournament DX somewhere where I don't have to get them directly from my Switch, and possibly messing something up with it big time? I'm not quite fond of jailbreaking my own Switch just to get game files for myself. If you have managed to find someone or somewhere that has those files, animations in particular, I will greatly appreciate your help