7 hours ago
This may apply to other Wwise-based Unreal games, however this is meant for KID A MNESIA EXHIBITION.
Extracting Audio
After installing the latest release, you should be able to open the AmnesiaExtractor binary and run it. If you installed KID A MNESIA EXHIBITION somewhere else, you might want to open the binary with the directory of the KID A MNESIA EXHIBITION installation.
For example:
.\AmnesiaExtractor.exe "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\KidAMnesiaExhibition\"
Using for Other Games
In the folder for AmnesiaExtractor, there should be a keys.json file. You may want to edit it by putting a comma right next to the Paperbag key, and add the directory to the Unreal Engine project, with the key of such project.
For example:
"Paperbag": "PaperbagKeyPlaceholder",
"OtherUnrealGame": "OtherUnrealGameKey"
After that, you want to run the binary with the directory of whatever else game you have, like the following:
.\AmnesiaExtractor.exe "C:\Program Files\Epic Games\ExampleGame\"
That's all, bye!