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How To Get WWF/WWE SmackDown Wrestlers In A T-Pose
(This will only work for WWE games with the SmackDown name, this will not work on the SmackDown VS Raw games)
*WWF SmackDown Just Bring It
*WWE SmackDown Shut Your Mouth
*WWE SmackDown Here Comes The Pain

[Image: image.png]

For WWF SmackDown: Just Bring It you will need the Create A Taunt mode, the taunt should look like this screenshot.
Once you do, call the taunt something like "T-Pose"

Go into Create A Superstar, and go into the moveset mode.
Edit a superstar's taunt selection, and preview the T-Pose taunt you just made.

[Image: gsdx-20240323165805.png]
And now they should be T-Posing, however only for a few seconds before they go back to their stance animation.
Quickly rip the model before it does, while in the T-Pose taunt and you should be able to rip the models in a T-Pose.
Dillon's Rolling Western/Dead-Heat Breakers Model Ripper

[Image: tumblr-0486036877ff6cde981b07b257d601a0-...87-540.gif]
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This will be helpful to people who want to rip the PS2-Era WWE Models, all we need is a better model ripping method for those models though.
Dillon's Rolling Western/Dead-Heat Breakers Model Ripper

[Image: tumblr-0486036877ff6cde981b07b257d601a0-...87-540.gif]
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