I'm trying to get general game sound effects, specifically rail grinding and jumping. I'm assuming that they're all in Game_SE as shown above, but I can't open this file and while SWAR has a few audioclips, it's a select few sound effects and voice clips (none of which I'm looking for). Is there a way to convert SSAR to something readable or a plugin I can use? Not finding a lot of stuff online.
BTW this is my first time working with Tinke so sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
applecuckoo - ripper of sounds, sprites and models
Places to get help: tSR Discord - This is where most of the ripping experts on the VG Resource hang out these days, so you should probably start here. Any requests to rip stuff (i.e. "Please rip sounds/models/sprites from game X!") are only allowed here as per the rules.
ResHax forum - Another forum that is home to most of the reverse engineers who were on the old ZenHax and XenTax forums. A great place to get help for any mysterious files. I'm also there under the same username.
And remember, always upload example files. That way, people don't have to dig in and fetch them for you.
This one only picks up music but I think I can use it to silence the bgm so I can get a hard rip of the audio I need. Thanks
Not very relevant to my question but there's a lot of files listed with the same name and most of them don't play (Says "playback interrupted" on the bottom right, idk why it's in white), do you know what's up with that?
Actually, seems like SSAR is a sequencing thing. I would think that it would be in the STRM folders if they were there.
applecuckoo - ripper of sounds, sprites and models
Places to get help: tSR Discord - This is where most of the ripping experts on the VG Resource hang out these days, so you should probably start here. Any requests to rip stuff (i.e. "Please rip sounds/models/sprites from game X!") are only allowed here as per the rules.
ResHax forum - Another forum that is home to most of the reverse engineers who were on the old ZenHax and XenTax forums. A great place to get help for any mysterious files. I'm also there under the same username.
And remember, always upload example files. That way, people don't have to dig in and fetch them for you.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. It could be related to the recognized files being at only 32% but I don't know why that would exclude files of the same type.