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An odd request
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, but I'll give it a try:
Can someone who submitted old content request to have it removed from the site?

I felt like perusing through my old account from decades ago for old time's sake, and ... to say I wasn't particularly liked here back then might be an understatement ^^'
Then I remembered that an old sprite sheet I made DID get accepted. This one, specifically:

I kind of want to perform a clean slate wipe as far as my presence here goes, so is it okay if I ask for my Paper Mario sheet to be removed? It's not like it's that good to begin with. Honestly given how disgusting my old stuff was, I'm surprised this ever got accepted.
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I have no actual say in this one way or the other, but I will say that it's a shame to see original artwork removed regardless of the circumstances.

I can promise you not a single person concerns themselves over how "liked" you might have been. We all did silly and ridiculous things at one point or another. It may be uncomfortable to look back at that behavior when you've gotten some distance but try to look at it from a growth perspective and laugh at it. Time really does heal all wounds if you take the proper steps to move on.

If that's what this is for you then more power to you, and guaranteed you can have your stuff removed, but to me that would be such a waste. 20,000 people clicked your custom out of fascination, would be a disservice to wipe all traces of it!

Either way, just food for thought. I don't remember you, but it's always nice to see people check back in. Have a great one!
[Image: 582217063e.png][Image: RWDCRik.png]

Thanked by: Ton, CCAM
Shade covered everything really well here and I agree with everything he said so I’ll just add one thing. Yes, you can request for your own customs to be removed for any reason. If you still wish to do so here, just PM me to show some link between you and the account that submitted that sheet and I’ll take care of it.
Thanked by: Ton, CCAM
(06-16-2024, 12:24 PM)Petie Wrote: Shade covered everything really well here and I agree with everything he said so I’ll just add one thing. Yes, you can request for your own customs to be removed for any reason. If you still wish to do so here, just PM me to show some link between you and the account that submitted that sheet and I’ll take care of it.

Alright, sent you a message

Thank you guys again for hearing me out
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Okay, this is done. I'll need to ban the old account as well since we only allow one account per user but I imagine that's not an issue if you're trying to distance yourself from your past regardless.
Thanked by: HyperVoiceActing

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