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I think I need a break.
(2 hours ago)Its-A-Me_Austin Wrote: All I ever do is spam annoying requests and nothing else. Everything I've said is just "WhErE's ThIs?!?!11?!?!1?!" and "WhErE's ThAt?!?!11?!?!1?!" Every time I promise to never do it again, I end up doing it again while not even trying to hide it. I do not know why I am doing this, none of this is your fault. I'm the one who's intentionally making this website toxic and trying to hurt people. Everywhere I go, I say "MAKE A MY SINGING MONSTERS CUSTOMS PAGE OR I WILL FIND YOU" with the intent of spamming and cyberbullying. I want to stop, but no one will believe me if I apologize. Not even I will believe myself. I know this seems like sympathy bait, even I don't know if this is or not...
Should I leave this website? I know if I don't, everyone might risk getting another death threat just because they didn't accept a sprite sheet that I literally just posted 2 seconds ago. Maybe I need to take a break...
- from the annoying guy that always spams requests and never changes his ways, knowing darn well that he's committing crimes. he will soon be banned from this website eventually
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