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How can i rip stages from Commodore 64 games?
I'm currently trying to rip the graphics from indiana jones in the lost kingdom for the C64 and I have no idea how to rip the backgrounds from the stages in the game. What is the procedure for that?
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Maybe ask Yawackhary, he's a specialist for really old games (which also includes C64):
SNES Ripping Tutorial with bsnes-rawpalettes & vSNES
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I've not managed to rip any backgrounds from C64 games! Heard of Temple of Doom and Last Crusade (both by Tiertex) and Fate of Atlantis (Spidersoft) but only vaguely of Lost Kingdom that I assume is an US only game.

Hmm... Let's see...

Backgrounds are made up of what is known as part of a CharSet. Basically any C64 graphics that are not classed as sprites, some games use this to overcome sprite limitations. C16/plus4 also has the CharSet but not the sprites making some ports pretty impressive (like the recent Turbo Out Run port). CSFEC as part of the CNG Soft CPCEC emulator bundle does have the option to switch off the sprite layer for capturing however the emulator is still WIP and only seems to accept certain PAL tapes so your game is out of the question since most US games came on disk... If there is a PAL tape though and it loads, the palette used is Community Colors so you may have to recolor to the values of Pepto NTSC. There is no correct palette for the C64, hence why my rips tend to feature the 4 main ones (Pepto PAL, Pepto NTSC, Colodore and Community Colors with the default Pepto depends on region of the source game so something like Monty on the Run for PAL or The Bard's Tale for NTSC as random examples).

Maybe try CharPad and load up a snapshot (savestate) created with VICE. Then go to Snapshot Ripper. I haven't had any luck with the free version but there is a paid option. Apparently if you can, it should be by the Map Editor.

I think someone just took screenshots regarding the backgrounds on The Simpsons here using VICE but from what I looked at this game, some of the graphics seem to be part of the CharSet such as the score. Plus being an US game, you would had to change the palette to Pepto NTSC.

As a last resort, try DirMaster where it can examine C64 disk images. The odds of finding anything are very low but may come in useful for another game if a loading screen uses Koala Paint or something.

Failing that maybe try asking someone at Lemon64. They know the computer a lot more than I do.
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