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Persona 5: The Phantom X model rigs?
Before any of you try to give me a tutorial on how to rip the assets from this game, stop. I know full well how to rip them using AssetStudio.

This thread is about the rigs that belong to the models. Just about everyone has only managed to export the meshes without any rig. Left and right I've had people tell me to just use an auto-rigger and fix the weights from there. 

Or to steal the weights from a Royal or Dancing model. I've tried Accurig, Mixamo, Royal, and Dancing. Each with varying results, positive and negative.

I have no issue fixing weights, but I want to reach out and explore every option before I settle on how I'll tackle the rigging of these models. My plan is to get AT LEAST the playable characters and some side characters rigged. I'm just in the process of deciding what direction to go.

So far i've only got 2 leads:

A user (on more than one site) named Rirurin created a modified version of AssetStudio around the time the 2nd (out of 3) closed betas was released.

To back up a little, I was told this: "The models are split into multiple parts: Animator (bones) Mesh (meshes lmao) MUActorExportInfo (rigging/materials) and basically all you need to do is figure out how to export the animator with the MUActorExportInfo, there is a way to do this, it was done in a custom P5X Build of asset studio that wasn’t shared publicly iirc. You can use things like Asset Ripper to load the assets from a bundle into the unity version P5X uses. From there it might be possible to extract the model as an fbx with its rigging intact. The furthest i got was recreating a bundle in unity, but i couldn’t get the models to export from there due to the MUActorExportInfo extracted from AssetRipper being corrupted. and since closed beta test 2, most animators no longer export with their meshes so you can't just export the animator from Asset Studio with the meshes/rigging like you could prior."

This user wasn't Rirurin, but the one who told me about them. However, it doesn't seem like Rirurin is interested in trying to update this custom assetstudio and this other user isn't sure how to get the models together in Unity themselves. They do have some models with the rig, BUT that was from the 1st closed beta.

Any help is appreciated! If anybody wants to really help, it's very simple obtaining the games bundles

These are my findings when I tried each different rig type

- Unsure on the weight painting side for the chest. I toyed with it, but it doesn't seem as simple and straightforward as accurig
- has clipping issues in some areas from weights not transferring 1:1, but not a huge amount
- Face bones are useless and don't work on the areas they're supposed to

- Best shoulders, it's easy to flatten the chest area down
- works smoothly
- certain kind of clothes may clip because unlike Mixamo, this auto-rigger isn't geared towards animation

- The shoulders. need I say more?
- I tried painting the chest area but the mesh wouldn't budge regardless if you remove or add weight
- best in regards to fluid movements, as it moves well with the clothes. After all, it's an auto-rigger more geared towards animations.

- Transfers fairly smoothly, Like anything it needs some weight paint work, notably upper body clothes, if something like a jacket is worn by the model. Regardless if bones for those clothing exist. The weights don't always transfer how we want them
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