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Game Ideas
So I'm in need of ideas for the next Flash game I'm going to make.
I will make a list with the best ideas in this post.
Post an idea you may be having for a game I will make it happen if it's easy to code and I'll sprite it and find music for it.
This is how it's going to be;
#1 Post:
An Idea for the game.

#2 Post:
Improvement for the game idea or a comment(that is a bad idea)
Another idea.

You will receive credit in the game for the idea and if you want a certain type of thing on the game that will represent that that was your idea I will add it.
I make games slowly depending on the complexity of it's development.
You don't have to help in any way just post an idea.

Quote:I recently got an idea for an action-puzzle game:

The starting point is the key, which you have to take to the lock, to finish the level. The way it works is you build a level with blocks you get. When you've placed them all, all the blocks come into play, so some blocks turn into springs or ladders or just stay blocks. In this drawing, you can see the initial puzzle and the solution. After that, a little man with the key on his back shows up. You than play the level to finish that stage. In this one, there are crumbly blocks, which after a few seconds of human force applied to it, break, one by one. And physics do apply to the blocks you place.

Quote: What about a Smash Bros style fighting game in which the characters in the game aren't major people from the franchise? Like having a roster of a goomba, waddle dee or doo, maybe a metroid or too....
I like the idea of a simple roster but how about this, instead of a ssb game a beat em up game where you just a stage and you're a predetermined character and when you enter the stage a spawning menu comes up at the top and you can choose what enemy you want to appear you kill them and if they get to close to you and attack you, you lose a live.The spawn menu is a little box at the top of the stage with the enemies you can call to fight are when you click one an enemy appears which you can battle.
You can call as many enemies as you want but one appears every time you click the icon the spawn menu.

Quote:I had an idea for a 2D platformer where you play as a prisoner escaping from jail. It'd take palce in a time back where prisoners wore white and black stripped clothes and had iron balls chained to their ankles. The game would probably be called 'Chains' or 'Chained' or something. The gameplay revolves around the ball and chain. You can throw the ball like a weapon or whack people with the chain itself. You could throw the chain and have it grapple onto things, like the hookshot in Zelda (well, it'd be more like the Grappling Hook from Wind Waker). You can swing across gaps or climb up the chain while its hanging. Then you could buy different chains to be heavier or lighter. Heavier ones would have less throwing range but they'd do more damage. Lighter ones could be thrown further and would do less damage. They might also break if you hang on them too long. Then you could update you iron ball to different things like a spiked ball or fire ball.
One level would be you starting as the guy on the left. The guard would constantly turn around, so you need to hide beind the crate until he turns around. Then you can jump on the crate and knock him out witht he ball and chain. For there, You'd lob the ball onto the ceiling fan, where it would wrap around and you could climb up. From on top of ther fan, You'd throw the ball into the iron bars, where it would wrap around and get stuck. So when you jump down from fan, you're still attached to the bars. That way you can climb up the chain while you're next to the wall until you're at the top of the wall. from there, you could break the the bars and finish the level.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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Not to be a dick about it but most people here who have ideas for games already have people to code for them (assuming they're not doing them themselves). If you're looking for work you have to perform to a pretty high standard anyway, so saying "I won't do anything that's too complicated" is making a bad move worse.
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What I meant by I don't want anything complicated I meant something like a super big rpg or platform game that will take me months or even years to finish.
I hope you get me.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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My first point still stands, though.
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Oh ok I get it so by saying I don't want something complicated will lower my chances of getting ideas.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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Uh, no.

Quote:Not to be a dick about it but most people here who have ideas for games already have people to code for them
this is my first point
you can tell it is my first point because it is the first part of my post
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Actually Zeemort there's plenty of people who are making games but also have other game ideas they probably could never get to work or don't have time to make

I myself have had lots of game ideas, and even had coders to help me with some of them, but I never get around to finishing them all, so maybe those with scrapped ideas, etc, can post here and help the guy out! Smile
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(02-13-2009, 04:43 PM)Zeemort Wrote: Uh, no.

Quote:Not to be a dick about it but most people here who have ideas for games already have people to code for them
this is my first point
you can tell it is my first point because it is the first part of my post
Oh it's ok then if people have an idea I'll code it happily but I was hoping that because this was a spriters forum not many people would have coders to code for them but let's see what happens.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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I actually have lots of game ideas, and the resources but sadly no one to help me code. Appearantly people want to do "epic cool games" with dark overtones, pshhh! Rolleyes

Perhaps we can strike a deal once I get an idea what you can do.

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I make games that I get money on advertising them so I don't think you will get a share for the game so are you still ok with this?
I just wanted ideas nothing big like sprites or anything cause I can sprite and make stage and code so I was hoping you guys could help me with ideas without getting profit or anything like that.
But you'll get credit and something in game that will represent you like for example if it were a platform gave you would have say your avatar on a wall in a certain level.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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Oh well actually I had a game I had been making myself I was hoping someone would code. Sorry to misinterpret your topic. I'll keep searching...

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I'll could code it for you depending on the difficulty and the type of game it is.
IF you have everything set I'll code it and make no profit from it.
It's yours and yours only.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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This is a stupid topic. Most people with good game ideas would like to develop it themselves so they can express their own creativity and show how they see it.

(02-13-2009, 08:58 PM)koopaul Wrote: I actually have lots of game ideas, and the resources but sadly no one to help me code. Appearantly people want to do "epic cool games" with dark overtones, pshhh! Rolleyes

You're looking in the wrong places. My programmer is a great guy who only wants to make games that people would find fun, and I agree with him. No one wants to try a game that entirely storybased and boring if it's by someone you don't even know. Simple gameplay, cute graphics and catchy music are the trinity of good games. Over complicating things often ruins it.

I'd suggest looking for a programmer who wishes to make the same games as you do. It helps a lot.
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That's he kind of games I'm looking to develop cause big games are sometime to complicated and take a lot of time to develop.
I'm just asking people for some ideas I don't want to take the experience of them developing a game but if you think it's stupid then this is most likely to fail cause you gave a really good point of why this topic is stupid.
[Image: Boggle_inside_a_futuristic_pod_by_Mabelma.png]

Have some time, check out my tumblr blog.
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I recently got an idea for an action-puzzle game:

[Image: lockblock.png]

The starting point is the key, which you have to take to the lock, to finish the level. The way it works is you build a level with blocks you get. When you've placed them all, all the blocks come into play, so some blocks turn into springs or ladders or just stay blocks. In this drawing, you can see the initial puzzle and the solution. After that, a little man with the key on his back shows up. You than play the level to finish that stage. In this one, there are crumbly blocks, which after a few seconds of human force applied to it, break, one by one. And physics do apply to the blocks you place.
Got one. Smile
***Read-Team Yoshi-***
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