Yeah, I was with my girlfriend and I was hunting down a store that sold GBA flashcarts. No such luck in doing so; "oh - we onry sell original game" so don't bawww ok but during my adventures, at the end of Mott Street (which the gamestore was on) there was a real hole-in-the-wall place but it was the best hole in the wall I've ever been in. This place was ...oh god.
There was not a single racing game in sight - I was so happy. It also had every single fighter I'd possibly want - except Tatsunoko VS Capcom but that shit is expensive anyway. Anyway, some of the machines they had, ALL IN ONE ARCADE:
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
NEO-GEO set (with KOF '95, a Samurai Shodown and something else I forget)
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter 3 Third Strike
Guilty Gear Accent Core
Capcom VS SNK 2
SNK VS Capcom Chaos
X-MEN VS Street Fighter
Marvel VS Capcom 2
and here's where shit gets awesome
Tekken 6
Blaze Blue
Melty Blood Actress Again
Street Fighter 4
They also had DDR Extreme and In The Groove 2 but that isn't very relevant because in an arcade full of fighters dance games can eat a dick, I could play those anywhere
my head nearly exploded upon seeing Actress Again. Surprisingly I didn't orgasm over SF4.
The only two games I played (I only had $50 and $20 bills on me - I borrowed $2 from my girlfriend) were SF4 and Melty Blood, uh
I know you guys are gonna get on my case if anything about SF
I chose Ken - and I am LOUSY with an arcade setup. I was pretty much rocking the cabinet back and forth trying to do shoryukens right.
I don't know if this is on purpose but I got up to like the second-to-last fight in Ken's fight-line - but I went head-to-head with this guy three times. He saved my ass from getting owned by the CPU at points. He used Ryu and Crimson Viper.
Both the people playing around me (the guy I fought, and this dude who sat down and played SF4 for the first time), were using Crimson Viper - and because I didn't have enough cash I couldn't know, play through again with Crimson Viper. But according to them she sucked as a character lol.
Personally, I thought she was a damn good looking character - I don't mean her clothing, but in my opinion she looks like the Street Fighter version of Terry Bogard playwise -
I didn't study everyone's hands as they were playing, but she has one attack (QCF?) where she slams the ground and opponents around her are hit. The other special I saw was something like...oh god, I can't find a better way to put it - a Rasengan
A ball of thundery goodness that I think was a HCF attack.
The power meter at the bottom of the screen confused the shit out of me. It had 4 or 5 segments, and building them up allowed you to do EX attacks (and it indicates when you can do them by saying "EX") There's also a little circular gauge denoting your ULTIMATE attack...which, I have no clue how to pull off - perhaps it's a Super because it's really quite cinematic, amazing, and when you pull it off with your opponent nearby they look quite defenseless (as if they can't block)
i was shitting myself as I fought Dhalsim lol
and yes i felt like a douche because my girlfriend was just standing behind me and watching the entire time (throughout SF4 and Melty Blood)
I tried to make it less boring by telling her who's who and nerdgasming during MBAA
but yeah
I also met two people who went to my uni totally on random there (who were there for Tekken 6) :/
And I wish I could go in depth on MB but my Japanese skill isn't good enough to figure out what's going on in the 15 seconds I had to pick my character ):
Though I picked Sion and played through her story, getting to her ending - feel free to ask about that though I just don't feel like doing it in this one big dickwag post lol.
And don't bother asking me about Blaze Blue because I had NO IDEA what was going on. I saw some kinda cat-mage character but I'll try to get down there again sometime next month.
I also went to Rockefeller to the Nintendo World Store which I'll talk about but uh same - I'll talk about it if you're like OH PLEASE TELL ME because this is the second time I was there and blah
they always give me cool free shit
There was not a single racing game in sight - I was so happy. It also had every single fighter I'd possibly want - except Tatsunoko VS Capcom but that shit is expensive anyway. Anyway, some of the machines they had, ALL IN ONE ARCADE:
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
NEO-GEO set (with KOF '95, a Samurai Shodown and something else I forget)
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter 3 Third Strike
Guilty Gear Accent Core
Capcom VS SNK 2
SNK VS Capcom Chaos
X-MEN VS Street Fighter
Marvel VS Capcom 2
and here's where shit gets awesome
Tekken 6
Blaze Blue
Melty Blood Actress Again
Street Fighter 4
They also had DDR Extreme and In The Groove 2 but that isn't very relevant because in an arcade full of fighters dance games can eat a dick, I could play those anywhere
my head nearly exploded upon seeing Actress Again. Surprisingly I didn't orgasm over SF4.
The only two games I played (I only had $50 and $20 bills on me - I borrowed $2 from my girlfriend) were SF4 and Melty Blood, uh
I know you guys are gonna get on my case if anything about SF
I chose Ken - and I am LOUSY with an arcade setup. I was pretty much rocking the cabinet back and forth trying to do shoryukens right.
I don't know if this is on purpose but I got up to like the second-to-last fight in Ken's fight-line - but I went head-to-head with this guy three times. He saved my ass from getting owned by the CPU at points. He used Ryu and Crimson Viper.
Both the people playing around me (the guy I fought, and this dude who sat down and played SF4 for the first time), were using Crimson Viper - and because I didn't have enough cash I couldn't know, play through again with Crimson Viper. But according to them she sucked as a character lol.
Personally, I thought she was a damn good looking character - I don't mean her clothing, but in my opinion she looks like the Street Fighter version of Terry Bogard playwise -
I didn't study everyone's hands as they were playing, but she has one attack (QCF?) where she slams the ground and opponents around her are hit. The other special I saw was something like...oh god, I can't find a better way to put it - a Rasengan

The power meter at the bottom of the screen confused the shit out of me. It had 4 or 5 segments, and building them up allowed you to do EX attacks (and it indicates when you can do them by saying "EX") There's also a little circular gauge denoting your ULTIMATE attack...which, I have no clue how to pull off - perhaps it's a Super because it's really quite cinematic, amazing, and when you pull it off with your opponent nearby they look quite defenseless (as if they can't block)
i was shitting myself as I fought Dhalsim lol
and yes i felt like a douche because my girlfriend was just standing behind me and watching the entire time (throughout SF4 and Melty Blood)
I tried to make it less boring by telling her who's who and nerdgasming during MBAA
but yeah
I also met two people who went to my uni totally on random there (who were there for Tekken 6) :/
And I wish I could go in depth on MB but my Japanese skill isn't good enough to figure out what's going on in the 15 seconds I had to pick my character ):
Though I picked Sion and played through her story, getting to her ending - feel free to ask about that though I just don't feel like doing it in this one big dickwag post lol.
And don't bother asking me about Blaze Blue because I had NO IDEA what was going on. I saw some kinda cat-mage character but I'll try to get down there again sometime next month.
I also went to Rockefeller to the Nintendo World Store which I'll talk about but uh same - I'll talk about it if you're like OH PLEASE TELL ME because this is the second time I was there and blah
they always give me cool free shit