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I wonder if this HUD is good? It´s for my (i have to rush) game...
Well, you have seen those women, maybe.. now please, check out the HUD and say wich one is better! Or give an idea on how to improve....

Thank ye!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Sorry for my mistakes on english, people..... I am Brazilian, and to worsen that... i learnt english playing Final Fantasy and asking my mother.

EDIT: Now, 4 years have passed, and I`m an english teacher. Heart
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E como é q o HUD vai ficar na tela? Qual a posição/proporção? Tem como fazer um mock-up (uma montagem de como ficaria)?
E por favor, use um site de hospedagem de imagem como o imageshack ou o photobucket. O povo aqui (eu incluída) ODEIA checar os anexos. Muitos preferem nem ver os arquivos

And how the HUD is going to be on the screen? What is it's position/proportion? Could you make a mock-up?
And please, use a image hosting site like imageshack or photobucket. The people around here (me included) HATES to check the attached files. Many rather to don't even see it.
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Upper left of a 240x320 screen... Ok.... i´ll do it... *sigh, low connection*
Sorry for my mistakes on english, people..... I am Brazilian, and to worsen that... i learnt english playing Final Fantasy and asking my mother.

EDIT: Now, 4 years have passed, and I`m an english teacher. Heart
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It looks cramped. I think the face icons shouldn't be in boxes (or at least in ones as small as those, you can only really see the eyes) and the bars should be about double in size so you don't have to squint. But it's not bad, overall.
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Cara, usa o imageshack. Você pode fazer upload de imagens sem criar uma conta lá. Não verei o arquivo até você fazer um link dele.

Dude, use imageshack. You can upload images without creating an account. I won't check your stuff until you make a link out of it.
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[Image: deT1vCJ.png]
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Not going to look at it until I don't have to download it
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OK I WILL! but i can´t now! Sorry, don´t look at it till´ i upload ¬¬" (you´ll never see me doing this though... that doesnt matter at all, forget)
Sorry for my mistakes on english, people..... I am Brazilian, and to worsen that... i learnt english playing Final Fantasy and asking my mother.

EDIT: Now, 4 years have passed, and I`m an english teacher. Heart
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