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Lycoris- The Prologue through chapter 2

I up-vamped chapter one as well as added a prologue and a chapter two, enjoy.

Prologue: Aleksandre Komishtlov

On a nice bright sunny day, in a seemingly perfect little suburb of Ravelton, Rhode Island, a scream rang out from one of the houses. Around 8am in the home of the Komishtlovs’ a 4 year old boy awoke to his mother’s scream. He rubbed the sleepies out of his bright green eyes and he itched his scalp through his short jet black hair.

He got out of bed and carefully made his way to his parents’ room. He could hear his mom speak in broken English with a German accent in a one sided conversation. She began to sound more and more panicked, and then, she was hardly understandable from either language.

He walked up to the door that was cracked ever so slightly and he pushed it open with a squeak. Him mom scooped him up and turned him away so he couldn’t look on the inside of the room. He tried to turn his in to look at what could be wrong inside the room; however his mom held his head in place to continue to keep looking down the hallway. As she was backing up and closed the door to the room he noticed that she was talking on the phone as she had to hold it against her head with her shoulder as she closed the door. She was still trying to talk with them but at this point it would have seemed if she forgot how to speak English.

“Mama, what’s wrong?” He asked her out of all of this confusion. She looked at him sternly and shook her head and with that he knew to be quiet. She brought him downstairs and as he looked around, but he couldn’t find his father around anywhere. She put him down on the couch in the living room.

“Does it have to do with Papa? What’s wrong with Papa?” He asked now kind of worried of what had happened. He saw him mom look out the window as if she was expecting something, or someone for that matter. Within seconds of her looking out the window he heard a blaring siren of which he never heard before. This neighborhood was known for its peacefulness so the authorities never really had to come around too often. His mom hung up the phone and opened the door. The paramedics came in with a bed on wheels as they followed her up the stairs and to his parents’ room. They seemed to be up there for an eternity to him. Finally, his mom came downstairs and picked up Einly from the couch.

“Do you vant to say goodbye to Papa?” she asked wish a shaky voice, quite sad but, was holding back her tears. He looked at her confused.

“Where is he going?” He asked. His mom looked at him with a rather sad face, and then shook her head. She took him upstairs to see his dad. He seemed a little scared as he didn’t understand what was going on. He could tell that his mom was really unhappy about something but, he couldn’t be sure what it was.

Then the door opened, he looked in and saw his dad lying on the bed. He could tell that he was still alive but he looked as if he was in pain and, as if he was fading. His mom walked him closer to bed, she was shaking but she was trying so hard to be strong, if not for her, for her little boy. She placed him on the bed and watched her son crawl up to her dying husband and hug him.

“I’m sorry.” He said in his thick Russian accent and he hugged Einly and looked up at his wife. His mom fell to her knees and broke down in tears.

“Einly, take care of your mother for me,” He said very weakly then he looked at her. “Michelle, please calm down. Люблю тебя всем сердцем, всей душою.” Michelle looked up through her tears and slightly smiled at him. She stood up and slowly made her way to his bedside and went to lightly caress his cheek, but he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Every time he blinked it was harder and harder for him to open his eyes again. Einly looked up at him and began to cry. Alex felt bad over this whole ordeal and looked at Einly.

“Einly, one more thing I should tell you,” He said, in hopes that this won’t happen to his son. “Do not trust your dreams.” After that his eyes closed and stopped opening. Not long after he stopped breathing and with that he was pronounced dead by one of the paramedics who was standing outside of the room but came in after the talking had stopped.

They had told Michelle earlier that they wouldn’t be able to save him because of how bad he was injured. They hid his wound under the blankets so he could say goodbye to his son but, it still didn’t help that he was missing half of his lower organs and parts of his spine during the time that his wife took a shower. No one had entered the house during that time either which was weird so when the police came they ruled it as an unsolved homicide due to the lack of evidence.

Chapter 1: The Dream

(The song is “Land of the Twilight” and it is not my song.)

“Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile, tell me of a story never ever told in the past…” said a voice which seemed to come from all directions in a land shrouded by night. A boy in his late teens of normal stature stood in the middle of a field filled with slightly long soft grass that followed the wind. His slightly long black hair seemed to follow the wind’s breath as well.

“…Take me back to the land where my yearnings were born…” He looked ahead with his bright green eyes. The voice seemed to beckon him, as he started to run and the wind seemed to be pushing him back. His red plaid shirt flowed with the wind, and then he let the shirt go, flying off of his arms, to stop it from holding him back. The wind felt cold against his arms as if it was ghosts flying through him rather then the wind, but his white tee shirt and his jeans kept the rest of his body warm.

“…The key to open the door is in your hand, now fly me there…” After awhile of running he grew tired, then fells to his knees from the exhaustion. He looked up and saw something in the distance.

“…Fanatics find their heaven in never ending storming wind, auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth…” The wind pushed him forward onto his stomach. He was tired but something was telling him to go, to run towered whatever it was in the distance. For the Voice called out to him still, it sounded familiar, but he has never heard it before either.

“…Consolations, be there, in my dreamland to come, the key to open the door is in your hand, now take me there…” He had somehow managed to get himself back up. His legs weren’t wobbly or weak, but they stood as well as they did at the beginning. He continued to run and while getting closer he discovered trees.

“…I believe in fantasies invisible to me…” He stopped in front of the line of trees. One thing he noticed that was strange about the trees is that they each had a door with a keyhole, all of the keyholes were crossed off and X made of blood, and they all had a name. He walked deeper into the forest and at one point he noticed that the doors on the trees were becoming sparse and was seeing just normal trees. At one point he stopped at a tree with an X on it that bore the name of “Aleksandre Komishtlov” and that caused him to feel immense sadness, as well of a sense of caution now, after all hadn’t he been told to not trust his dreams by the same man? He then walked up to one tree in particular that had no X on the keyhole, for it had his own name above the door, “Einly Komishtlov”. He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound flowed out.

“…In the land of misery I'm searchin' for the sign…” He turned out quickly and looked behind him, as he felt as if he was being watched. He looked at a pair of shrubs that sat behind him. He walked towered the shrubs and this giant black thing jumped out from behind them. You’d be surprised on how the thing even managed to hide behind there. It hit him with the back of its hand causing him to fly backwards into his tree hitting it hard. He fell to the ground and noticed strong pain in his head from it bashing against the tree. He reached his hand to touch were his head hit the tree and a warm liquid was smeared onto his hand as he brought his hand to his face and looked at it. He was bleeding and was now quite worried and hoped that he wouldn’t reach the same fate as his dad did. He looked up at the black thing and it looked like a giant rabbit. It was standing on its two hind legs and had claw like fingers. It had a long jagged tail and ears, and it had two round eyes which glowed a deep dark blue. It looked at him with a very toothy grin and all of its teeth were fangs. “Are you smarter then your father or, just as stupid?” asked the beast in a voice that seemed pieced the young teen’s mind.

“…To the door of mystery and dignity I'm wandering down and searchin' down the secret sun…” He stood up and this time his legs did feel weak, in fact his whole body did however, he managed to stay standing. It was quite obvious on what this thing came here for just by the way it was standing. It wanted to fight him. The boy looked back at the evil rabbit and had asked himself, how was he supposed to fight him? He sure was no match at strength. He frantically searched for a weapon of some sort on his body but, unfortunately he found nothing and the creature seemed to move towered as a blur of pure blackness and it pinned him up against his tree.

“…Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile, Tell me of a story never ever told in the past…” He all of a sudden felt immense pain. He screamed out as loud as he could but was silent, his nails dug into the tree and gripped it hard, tears rolled down his cheeks as he screamed out without a voice. He started the bleed out of his mouth and felt the warm liquid move from the middle of his chest down to his legs and he started having a hard time breathing as well. He looked down to see what had injured him and he saw the arm of the creature sticking out from his body. His legs easily gave out but, he was caught by the creature from falling. To keep him upright the creature held him up by his hair.

“…Take me back to the land where my yearnings were born…” He felt the claws move around inside him as if it was searching for something. It hurt to feel one of his lung torn apart and to feel the scratches left on his heart from being manhandled from the inside out. He tried his best to keep a straight face, but his lip would soon be pierced if he tried to keep it up for any longer then 30 seconds he has already tried to. He screamed out in pain some more with it getting harder to breathe or even move. His ribs broke in many places but the cracking could not be heard.

“…The key to open the door is in your hand…” The arm slowly pulled out to reveal the creature’s hand which in turn revealed a key. The creature held out the key a bit teasingly. “If you get it can you put it in the hole?” The boy quickly grabbed it from the creature and in turn the creature dissipated into the night with his smile leaving last. He collapsed as felt himself fading kind of fast he managed to drag himself up by the keyhole and hurried to try to shove the thing into the keyhole of the tree with his name. He missed a few times due to shaking of his limbs but finally got it in. He used his weight to turn the key and opened the door. Wind blew him away from the opening but he held on and pulled himself into the door then closed his eyes, to which he heard the last of the voice “…Now take me there, to the land of twilight.”

Chapter 2: The Aftermath

(My German is probably a bit off.)

After he went through the door in his dream is when he woke up. He felt so exhausted from the whole ordeal he was amazed that he did even wake up. However, something wasn’t right. He found himself on the floor in front of his closet wearing the same clothes as he did in the dream, he felt numb and weak all over, and he felt the warm wetness of his own blood.

‘Had this really happened?’ He thought to himself. He looked up at his alarm clock to get the time. He was late for school and his mom had just left for work since it was 8: 30. He normally woke up and left before his mom would even wake up for work and he knows that she checks on him everyday before she leaves for work because out of all the times he slept in his mom would always wake him up and drag him out of bed. So does that mean that during the dream he wasn’t even there? He wasn’t even sure at this point.

He heard a car drive out of the driveway through his open window; he broke down in tears and tried to yell out but only raspy gasps came out. He forgot that he could hardly breathe. He knew he was going to die if he couldn’t get any help; in fact he wasn’t sure if he could survive if he had help.

He threw his hands in front of him to try and use them to crawl to the window and that’s when he noticed it. He still had the key he took from the monster in his dream. That was another difference between now and how his dad died. It seemed to be all connected, the mysterious injuries, his mentions to not trust your dreams, all of it. His willpower to survive shot upwards tenfold; he refused to die in the same way his dad did so that way him mom wouldn’t lose him. He needed to live for their sake.

He made his way to the opened window and dragged himself up to the window sill and looked out the window. The crisp autumn breeze flowed through his hair as he felt it move along his face. He saw his neighbors outside arguing over the fact that the kid wanted to skip school for the day. How he hated how that 14 year old boy treats his mother with such disrespect but it was his one chance to get help. He looked down at the ground from the second story window as his eyesight started to turn fuzzy due to the immense blood he was loosing. He tried hitting the screen but with no success. He gradually hit it harder and harder until the screen bent right out of the window.

‘!!!’ Was all he could think before he hit the ground. He fell out the window with the screen and right in the sight of his neighbors. They stopped their argument and both looked at him with a sight of shock on their faces. He looked right up at them with a sad and distressed face and tried to reach out towered them but he shortly passed out right after that.

He woke up again to hear sirens and feel himself moving inside an ambulance. Even through he was awake he was too tired to open his eyes but he could hear them talk. He heard them talk about his mother and how they felt bad for her to lose two people she cared about in the same way. He wanted to cry but no tears came out and that is when he passed out again.

He later woke up in a hospital bed getting blood transfusions in one IV and fluids in the next. He could hear his mom and a doctor talk behind the screen, so he looked over at them to hear them better. He wanted to know how bad it was.

“..No I refuse.” His mom said “Look vhat he just sufferd. You can’t just perform experiments on him.”

“But ma’am, his wounds healed so fast and left no scar. Don’t you know how many people we could save if we knew how that happened?”

“I don’t care, He is only 16 and I am his mother. Come back und ask him yourself vhen he turns 18!” And with that his mom pushed away the screen to get to him and saw him awake. She ran to his bedside and hugged him while crying tears of joy.

“Gott sei dank, dass sie besser sind!” she said to him and he smiled and hugged her back.

“I’m glad that I was able to live for you.” He told her and that caused her to smile. “Ve vill be able to leave after you get all of your blood back and re-hydrate.” He nodded and he relaxed there with his mom to what seemed to be a few hours. After the nurse came in and unhooked him and gave them the ok to leave, they left. They talked while in the car on the way home.

“You can take ze veek off und vatch out for a Dr. Bradley Narclon. He vanted to perform experiments on you but I refused.” His mom said

“Thanks, but why the week off?”

“Vell, I think you could use it since vhat happened.”

He smiled at that fact as they pulled into their driveway. Once home they both cleaned up his room of most of the blood using bleach and coke then they took turn taking showers with him going first. While his mom was in the shower he found the key that he held when he woke up that morning; he picked it back up and hid it in his room to find out what it went to later. After that he said goodnight to his mom and then he went to bed and slept throughout the night without a dream.
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