Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: do you have a gaia account
You: yez
Stranger: ^-^
You: wanna trade accounts
Stranger: sure
You: kay
Stranger: whats your
You: my accounts name is II British Teabags II
You: my password is iGayFaggot69GuysAllNightLong
You: pretty secure, eh?
Stranger: you might like a site caleed 4chan
Stranger: they are like you

You: does it have vids of guys 69ing all night
Stranger: with all the homophobia
You: you're calling me a homo
You: but you're the one who actually PLAYS gaia
You: fucking retarded
You: bitch, go make me a sandwich
Stranger: no you are a some you does not like gay people
You: I am a some
Stranger: ok /b/e right back
You: i AM a some
Stranger: egg
You: I do NOT like gay people
You: sperm
Stranger: why
You: sperm
Stranger: egg
You: sperm
Stranger: a wild abra appears
You: a wild dildo appears in your mouth
Stranger: i take it
You: you would take a dildo in your mouth
You: you gay distinguished gentleman
Stranger: trap distinguished gentleman to you
You: i know where you live, i know where you sleep, i know your ip address
You: i know that you are only ~15yrs old
Stranger: go on so
You: and you like sperm in your mouth, little boy
Stranger: i love cum in my mouth
You: i knew it
Stranger: what
You: i knew you were a homo
Stranger: well bi homo trap
You: your moms a trap, she's got a dick bigger than your head
You: and your head is fucking huge
Stranger: it is

Stranger: you like getting sucked off
You: yes
You: you like to suck people off
Stranger: yes
You: suck me off
You: we both win
Stranger: ok
Stranger: your place or mine
You: yours
You: meetcha there
Stranger: ok get here in the next 5 min i will be waiting
You have disconnected.
fuck this guy took forever to type
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi, how are you?
You: hi
You: i'm fine
Stranger: kewl, yah same.
You: how are you
Stranger: Here is my tinypic album, do you think i'm hot?

You: oh FUCK
Stranger: Crap, my roomate wants the computer! If you want, add me as a friend and send me a msg here:*removed because firefox says it may cause browser breach* (profile is amanda471), I got a few nudes up there, and my cell

Your conversational partner has disconnected.