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so i come home
(02-02-2010, 12:26 AM)Paper Jam Boy Wrote: Flame I really would like to see the source you recieved that from.

The article has several errors, such as well marijuana doesn't cause hallucinations, as the drug is a relaxer, and while yes it doubles the risk of car crashes, it's nowhere near how drunkness increases it by 6 times.

Its from teen site and of course some parts of the information could be wrong since it says at the bottom "As a reminder, this information should not be relied on as medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Please read our full . ".

But, I wasn't trying to show you what everything can be wrong about Marijuana, I'm just saying that for the most case its obvious that some drugs are just bad for for and gives you effects that can be good or bad.

Anything can be bad to you from string to a gun, it may be for hurting someone or hurting yourself. But, I would rather get shot from a gun and be dead than be addicted to a drug that can permanently hurt me from the insides slowly.
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that is nice but what is your point
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Well atleast you can't die from marijuana~
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And marijuana is also scientifically proven to less addictive than alcohol and tobacco.

Thing I hate is that a drug safer than alcohol and tobacco is illegal, while they remain legal.

I mean cannabis isn't only a drug.

It takes 5 months to fully grow a cannabis plant. Cannabis plants are also able to be used to make paper. Think how many years it takes for a tree to grow back.
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not to mention that hemp (which is a by-product of cannabis) is extremely useful
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It is one of the most durable materials
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Sorry but all of those "facts" that Flame posted are bullshit from people with no history in medicine. They even *say* so. The fact that they claim it can cause hallucinations makes this ring as kneejerk bullshit anyway. You might has well have posted a link to Reefer Madness ffs.

David Nutt was the chief drugs advisor in this country and I'm inclined to say he's rather more knowledgable; he says that weed isn't dangerous, and was willing to stand in the face of agenda-driven government pseudo-science to say so. And lost his job. If it was just a case of him liking weed would he really put his job and reputation on the line for it? No.

Basically our government funded his research and when the facts didn't match their "WEED WILL TURN YOU INTO A LOSER MANIAC AND ALSO MAKE YOU TAKE HEROIN" batshittery, they fired him. There's not much point in running studies if you've decided the results before it's even started, but what do I know, I'm not in parliament.

Weed can fuck you up if you're already schizophrenic, and I think it might react with some antipsychotics, and... that's pretty much it as far as "psychological damage" goes. The stuff about how it makes you lazy is bullshit as well. If you develop a psychological (not physiological, I have to add) dependence, then anything can affect your work ethic. Booze can. Cigarettes can. Masturbating can.
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actually lol
while I won't say that weed itself makes you lazy, that's often a side effect :p

though yeah, you're completely right
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</serious posts>

USELESS FACT: the town I live in is named for growing hemp in Ye Olde Days
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i wish i lived in a town, i getting tired of cities.
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you getting tired of cities
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*I AM.
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Zeemort has p.much covered everything i wanted to say.
The guy in the government she was talking about also said that Extacy was less dangerous than smoking or drinking which is true. He also said it was less dangerous than riding a horse. He knew what he was talking about, and the fact that they fired him just shows how ridiculous the governments views on drugs are.

Boats n hoes
this is a sig

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Lazy people love weed, there's the connection to laziness. So do people who aren't lazy though.

But if you're high, why the hell would you even want to DO anything? Why would you smoke before, let's say, a job interview, or a test, or before driving? Maybe if you're pretty stupid, or if you've just smoked so much weed all your life that you can't operate without it, and if that's the case, then that means you've had a bit too much.

Research on the subject will always be a subject of controversy the way things are, so I would take all "scientific findings" on it with a grain of salt.
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(02-02-2010, 05:01 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: Why would you smoke before, let's say, a job interview, or a test, or before driving?

I know people who do this all the time.

In fact, I saw a friend while he was at work yesterday completely blazed.
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