12-04-2010, 09:07 PM
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Thanked by: Gwen, Gwen, Kitsu, Kitsu, Rosencrantz, Rosencrantz, Nindo, Nindo, Chutzpar, Helmo, Gors, Alpha Six, ThePortalGuru, Lexou Duck, Maxpphire, S-Cpu, Iceman404, Cshad, Garamonde, recme, SmashBroPlusB
12-05-2010, 01:09 AM
they're both Devicho ! ! !
Now I'm an avvy trendwhore too, damn you gors for making nicolas so adorable
![]() Thanked by: Nindo
12-05-2010, 01:32 PM
uhh thats clearly tyvon
12-05-2010, 06:51 PM
(12-04-2010, 01:13 PM)Diogalesu Wrote: (12-04-2010, 04:31 PM)TerProtalGruru Wrote: This game sure looks cool guys. All the cool guys are in it. well I said that there were two open spots so I guess I can use this ![]() BUT I'll wait this game to be coded and finished first, so I can add more people. That is, if the programmer accepts to do it (apparently Sploder) Thanked by: Maxpphire
12-05-2010, 07:02 PM
I just want my fancy pants avatar
I am doing it. I've currently got the basic platform engine going, and I'm gonna be working on climbing and attacking next.
It's in GameMaker, so I should be able to get it done pretty quickly (provided I find time). There are just some more design choices that would need to be made. For example, how are enemies going to behave? All I know so far is that they are randomly spawned as the level scrolls, that they do damage when coming into contact with the player, and that they can be made harmless by painting them. How do they move? Do they just walk back and forth, or do they intentionally seek out the player? Will different enemies behave differently from others? How many hits can they take before becoming "green"? What will they do when they turn green? Will the player be knocked back or temporarily stunned any upon taking damage? The reason I'm asking you is because this is essentially your game. If I made all these decisions for you, the game could (and likely would) turn into a different game more along the lines of that scrap I posted in my scraps thread and might not be quite how you imagined it at all. BTW, are ya gonna do a crawl anim, or is he gonna just slide along the ground?
12-05-2010, 07:13 PM
(12-05-2010, 07:04 PM)John Hale Wrote: I also think it'd be pretty neat if maybe different colors of enemies behave differently or something. That would be cool. Red = Pretty much the most aggressive enemies. They will bite if you get too close. Yellow = The only type of enemy that won't hurt you if you are crawling past you. They also can jump. Blue = Mostly the polar opposite of Red enemies, and pretty much work like most enemies, they just patrol the area they are stationed at. Can be avoided mostly by jumping over them and/or painting them. Green = The color you want. Once they are this color, they won't most likely hurt you, so you can pass by them safely. Boss = Most likely I would go a shade of grey. You know the drill. BTW, these are just my ideas for the behavioral patterns of the enemies. I barely post anymore yes, but I would love to participate in this. ![]()
12-05-2010, 07:14 PM
Most of these would just behave like a goomba, but others will be seeking the player.
I'll be dividing the attributes as follows (hopefully they'll make the process faster and easier): Speed: Moderate (Sol's walking pace), Slow or Fast Movement: Ground (walks across the screen) or Flying AI: Normal or Homing (seeks the player) The color will affect the values of those variables, and maybe give side-effects. I'll be making a txt file containing all the small details, check this post soon. Also Gaia, I don't think there will be a Boss seeing that this game is meant to be infinite. Thanked by: Kitsu
Concerning bosses, I personally think they could be viable. They'd just be Megaman-esque boss things that spawn (along with their boss room) when you reach certain point values. During the fight, paint would have to be supplied to the player somehow, and the screen would temporarily stop scrolling, and after the fight, the screen would continue scrolling, and play would continue like normal.
Regarding spawning and such (for both the levels themselves and the enemies/items in them), I was thinking of setting up a simplified version of the AI Director that they have in L4D. It spawns new areas (usually spawning a whole screen's worth at a time just offscreen) according to a few values, one of which being a difficulty meter. As the game continues, this meter slowly climbs, which results in harder areas being created. This "Director" would also spawn enemies and paint cans as determined by the difficulty meter. To toss things up a bit, perhaps the Director could occasionally declare a "PANIC" mode, in which the scrolling speed drastically speeds up for a short time. EDIT: Though, this "Director" would probably have about as much "intelligence" as a bug. Thanked by: Gors, TomGuycott, Garamonde
12-05-2010, 08:36 PM
Okay, I finished a simple txt file with all my ideas on enemy behavior. I don't know if you can pull this out, Sploder, but I wrote it anyways
![]() Also, if you see a thing that don't like/is strange/have a better idea about it, be free to edit it and post it so everyone can see it c: I'll be attaching it here because of the simplicity of the file. ![]() Thanked by: TomGuycott, Nindo, Kitsu, ThePortalGuru
12-05-2010, 08:42 PM
pk is boo
pk boo Thanked by: Phantom Killah, Kitsu, Garamonde
12-05-2010, 08:58 PM
(12-05-2010, 07:26 PM)John Hale Wrote: Concerning bosses, I personally think they could be viable. They'd just be Megaman-esque boss things that spawn (along with their boss room) when you reach certain point values. During the fight, paint would have to be supplied to the player somehow, and the screen would temporarily stop scrolling, and after the fight, the screen would continue scrolling, and play would continue like normal. Although I like the idea of an infinite game without bosses just as much, here are some boss ideas from the peanut gallery. Behavior ideas: 1. Jumps/Flies around shooting bullets. 2. Is a gigantic resize of their sprite running and trying to jump and crush Sol. 3. Becomes exceptionally fast and runs back and forth to collide with Sol. Color suggestions: 1. Purple 2. Black and white 3. Flashes between multiple colors I like boss fights. xD
12-06-2010, 03:26 AM
Ugh. I'm running into some glitches that are hard to solve in Game Maker. I'll try to get them resolved, but if, by the end of the week, I'm unable to solve them, I think I might just switch to XNA. We'll see.
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