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05-31-2012, 08:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-24-2014, 01:15 PM by daemoth.)
Heres a little game ive been programming in java as a hobby. In resume, ive thrown FF6 characters and graphics into tactical strategy game. Ive programmed 90% of the "combat" part and i plan to do a campaign mode in which you follow the story of FF6. Feel free to try it out! Theres a demo mode where the AI control both team and another one where you can play.
Download FF6T V0.88
Note that in version 0.88, the esper has been added but not balanced!
Combat Features:
Characters has 9 stats:
Str : Strength : Determine that power of physicals attacks
Dex : Dexterity : Determine the precisions of attacks
Int : Intellect : Determine the power of magical attacks
Con : Constitution : Determine the amount of Max Hp and resistances to Physical attacks
Men : Mentality : Determine the amount of Max Mp and resistances to Magical attacks
Agi : Agility : Determine the character's evasion
Move : Determine how far a character can move
Spd: Speed : Determine how fast a character can act.
Resi : Resilience : Determine the resistance to status ailment
AI : My Ai is highly customisable, each character can have their own Ai stat. I have about 25 stat to customise my Ai, things like, aggressivety, if i want the character to inflict status ailment or not, to be scared of taking dmg, to heal more etc.
Status Ailment: Of course ive added the usual: Protect, Shell, Blind, Confuse, Bind(Dont move), Paralyze (Dont Act), Silence,Haste,Slow,Pull / Knockback, Poison/Regen and Sleep.
But also some new and unusual ones like (Note that i didnt find names for them all) :
Focus: Boost Accuracy
ChargeP: Next physical attack deal double dmg
ChargeM: Next magical attack deal double dmg
Infect (ShareD) : Inflict the debuff the user currently have
Share ( ShareB) : Inflict the buff the user currently have
Fear: The user dont control his movement and move as far away from the enemy as possible
Cover / Covered : The "Covering" character take damage instead of the "Covered" character.
Pursue / Pursued: The "Pursuing" character inflict 50% more damage on the "Pursued" character.
Trap : An unoccupied square can be targeted to place a trap, invisible to the enemy. If a character step on it, the attack of the trap is done on him.
PersistentAoe : Same as a trap, but is visible to the enemy and doesnt disappear when being activated.
Revenge: The tech will do more Dmg the lower the user's Hp is.
PTBuff: The tech will do more dmg the more the target has debuff
Leap (TeleportU): Move the user next to the target
TeleportT : Move the target next to the user
SummonCopy (Sketch or Shadow's Interceptor): Summon a character to the battlefield
CoolDown : The tech cannot be used X turns after it has been used.
Categories (Moogle Dance, Gau Rage) : The tech will make the user use one of X predefined tech on the next turns.
Characters Roles:
In order to make interesting the fact that you get you get 14 characters, each will have its role and some new abilities:
Terra : Magic - Damage Dealer ( Only one that can learn Ultima )
Celes : Magic - Tank
Relm - Magic - Support ( Wide Array of magic Buff and the only one than can learn Quick)
Stago - Magic - Damage Dealer / Support - Wide Array of Spells but they have awkward Aoe
Edgar : Physical - Support ( His Tools mostly debuff the enemy )
Sabin : Physical - Tank ( All Sabin's abilities does Aoe around him with the exception of Suplex which help him get into the Fray by leaping)
Cyan : Physical - Damage Dealer
Shadow: Hydrid - Damage Dealer
Mog : Any - Depends on the dance Here are some gameplay pictures:
If you have any ideas/commentary/question, feel free to express yourself!
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Little update, i think ill just make this game FF6T. I have added some "fancy" graphics, each Tech can now have its "Casting Animation" ( Black magic> Red Aura, Sabin Blitz> YellowStar, Cyan > Blue Orb, Strago> BLue Triangle etc) , Casting sounds, "Effect Animation" (displayed on the targets) and Effect Sound.
Btw thx to SmithyGCN, Tonberry and everyone else who have contributed to the FF6 sprite section, its really complete
Also, im searching for the complete library of FF6 sfx preferably in Wav. I got some the basics but i cant find things like fireX lightningX, blitz etc.
Here a little preview,
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Tons of new feature has been added ( like Sketch, Slot Machine, Esper summon, equipment and item system) UI completely revamped, some animation redone to done exactly the same as in the original. Please try and give me some feedback 
Download FF6T v0.88
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Ive redone the first post and updated all the links. I know "Tactics" games isnt everyone cup of tea but i must say... i have literally put hundreds of hours of work in this game and it would be greatly appreciated to get some feedback.
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(02-19-2014, 11:35 PM)daemoth Wrote: I know "Tactics" games isnt everyone cup of tea but i must say... i have literally put hundreds of hours of work in this game and it would be greatly appreciated to get some feedback. Almost shameless bump for my previous post 
Like i said in another thread, i plan to add dual and triple attacks but i would need to update the way i display things and im having a hard time doing it. So if anyone wanna partner with me or just answer some of my java question, please Pm me. ( Mainly questions about java threads and issues i have when displaying things)
Here some dual attacks examples:
Terra & Maduin:
Relm & Shadow:
Edgar & Sabin:
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I think those look really well animated, and seeing them in action would be pretty awesome! I imagine they're extremely costly to use, though.
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The game looks very nice right now, and I like it! Being a fan of the other tactics games, It sticks quite close to them. Can't wait for the story.
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Thx guys, when im able to update my graphics motor, it should look twice as good 
Added a video and a large description of the combat features to the first post.