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First Game You Ever Played?
Or, atleast, first game you remember playing.

Me, I've been playing SMB3 for the NES since I was 4, man.
Got one. Smile
***Read-Team Yoshi-***
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The first game I remember was one of the Sonic games (1,2, or 3) for the Sega Genesis.
Back when Sonic was golden.
[Image: cIUPd.png]
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megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
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a bunch of old bootable floppy's on a pre-dos ibm pc.
i remember donkey kong, lode runner, and some space invaders clone, but i know we had quite a few more than that.
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Street Fighter II.

fuck year
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Super Mario Bros. on NES when I was 3.
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Metroid For NES
Discord is Dioshiba#9513
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My oldest videogame-playing memory involved Sonic 3 and Marble Garden Zone. And me dying. A lot.
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(01-27-2009, 06:24 PM)Geo the Fox Wrote: My oldest videogame-playing memory involved Sonic 3 and Marble Garden Zone. And me dying. A lot.
except change 3 to 2 and Marble Garden to Oil Ocean
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(01-27-2009, 05:46 PM)Badassbill Wrote: Super Mario Bros. on NES when I was 3.

Same! Mine had Duck Hunt with it too.
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Super Mario Bros. 2

Good times...
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Super Mario Bros. 3.

I was 3.
Only early childhood memory I remember clearly.

I remember dying all the time because I always had to look at the controller.
[Image: DffP5jr.png]
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Star Fox for SNES.

Or Super Mario World. I can't remember.
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The original SMB on the NES. I was like five at the time. Oh the many hours I poured into that game to find everything. I never did that Minus World trick though...
Ngamer01's Portal - Updates whenever.
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I'm not sure of the exact game, but it was probably an NES game. (My dad owned an NES before I was even interested in video games.) Some of the earliest ones I can remember are River City Ransom, Legendary Wings, and Super Mario Bros. 2.
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Super Smash Brothers.

Capt. Falcon for the win.
[Image: 2cqcfi1.png]
Sheezyart/PSN IVery Sad DUCK_JGarrison
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