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Rockman X DiVE - Model ripping topic
3D Modelling 
Since the original thread about ripping models (and other stuff) from Rockman X DiVE has been closed because of datamining and leaking hidden/upcoming features, here's a second attempt.
[Image: logo.png]

This thread is about ripping models, textures and more from Rockman X DiVE for the mobile devices. You can post your rips here but please don't spoil any upcoming features/characters here via datamining. It's a forum about ripping and not leaking stuff. Also, if you link to an archive with multiple rips, make sure that none of them are spoilers.

Also, here's the models-resource link!
Thank you for re-making this topic. 
I've been trying to rip models from MMXD myself (specifically Magma Dragoon) but it turns out I have no idea what I am doing.
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IIRC, the game might be using the same encryption thingy like Elite Dangerous
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(04-27-2021, 08:27 PM)omega_mog Wrote: Thank you for re-making this topic. 
I've been trying to rip models from MMXD myself (specifically Magma Dragoon) but it turns out I have no idea what I am doing.

I don't know how to extract the game files, but I have Magama Dragoon, If anyone posts a tutorial on how to extract the files I would appreciate it. I am interested in the scenarios of the game as well.
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(05-17-2021, 10:32 AM)Qadosh Wrote:
(04-27-2021, 08:27 PM)omega_mog Wrote: Thank you for re-making this topic. 
I've been trying to rip models from MMXD myself (specifically Magma Dragoon) but it turns out I have no idea what I am doing.

I don't know how to extract the game files, but I have Magama Dragoon, If anyone posts a tutorial on how to extract the files I would appreciate it. I am interested in the scenarios of the game as well.

One thing I know for sure is there's 3 sets of files (at least as far as I've encountered while playing the game). The first set is in the APK itself (which is about 75MB), but these are compressed (APKs are actually zip files), and take more space than that when uncompressed (use 7Zip to extract the files from the APK). The next set is downloaded early in the game, before the tutorial level. It's about 25MB of files. After the tutorial level is completed the game downloads about 900MB of files.

The first set of files (from the APK directly) are of course the game's own code, icon picture you click on to launch the installed game, and also assests for the game in Unity file format. The Unity asset files may be encrypted though.

The next 2 sets of files are also likely encrypted, but I'm not sure if the decrypted versions of the files are in also in Unity format, or if they are in normal formats (for example PNG image files that start with ‰PNG).
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Still, it uses basic xor encryption of four keys easily:

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00 00 00 

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00 00

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53
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(05-18-2021, 10:52 PM)DatOneTaiwanGuy Wrote: Still, it uses basic xor encryption of four keys easily:

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00 00 00 

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00 00

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53

How do I know which file uses which key? Also do you mean the set of files that comes in the APK that have normal file names? Or do you mean the sets of files the game downloads after it has been run (which are 2 sets of downloads, the first about 25MB of files, and the second about 900MB of files), which appear to be hex-strings for either some kind of hash or UUIDs?
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The set of files from the server, and they normally start with the manifest file that's not encrypted, the abconfig file for the assets from the manifest file that automatically decrypts for the game in the memory, the criware assets, other designs in .bin format and one json file.

That's how it starts.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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(05-19-2021, 03:01 AM)DatOneTaiwanGuy Wrote: The set of files from the server, and they normally start with the manifest file that's not encrypted, the abconfig file for the assets from the manifest file that automatically decrypts for the game in the memory, the criware assets, other designs in .bin format and one json file.

That's how it starts.

I don't have a way of intercepting the communications between the game and its server, but I do have a way of dumping all the files after they have been downloaded. I ran BlueStacks emulator and played the game until it did its 900MB download, to get all its files. Then I copied the files from BlueStacks file system, using another program, which is based on the ADB program from the Android SDK. In so doing, I managed to copy all the game's downloaded files from inside BlueStacks over to my actual OS, where I can access them normally via Windows Explorer. But I have a problem with them. They are given file names that have no file extension, and who's names are hexadecimal-digit strings that appear to be either some kind of hash or the UUIDs for the files. Here's a screenshot showing some of the file names.
[Image: Ndc9aci.png]

And I don't know what any of the files are supposed to be. It would help if I knew what the contents of the files should be, so that when I tried to decrypt them I would know if they had been successfully decrypted. By the way, here's a screenshot showing the first 912 bytes of the first of these encrypted files in a hex editor. Is this what it should look like before decryption?
[Image: 0VBmv3v.png]

By the way, is the decryption supposed to start with the first byte in the file, or at some offset into the file? In other words, is the entire file encrypted, or only part of it? Also, how will I know which of the above decryption keys mentioned is actually the correct one? The XOR keys cycle at different rates, based on their length, and the number of 0x00 bytes at the end sets their length.

By the way, is the encryption just simple XOR where the key's bytes repeat over and over again and are XORed into the data? Or is it RC4, which using a certain random number generator which is initialized by the key, and the bytes output from that random number generator are XORed into the data?
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It is xored using a hex key of 10 bytes, 9 bytes, 8 bytes and 7 bytes.

Some assets use the first 10 keys while others use 9 keys, 8 keys and  7 keys for lower files and also images.

10 digit keys

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00 00 00 (x10) hex key

9 digit keys

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00 00 (x09) hex key 

8 digit keys

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 00 (x08) hex key

7 digit keys

55 6E 69 74 79 46 53 (x07) hex key
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Hi, I don't know how to rip models, so I'm wondering if anyone has the Roll Caskett model willing to share.
This is the only model I'm looking for right now.
Admin just said on the MMXD page that the recent model submissions won't be approved until months later. =(
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Does anyone rip bridal Layer and bridal Alia?
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I ripped them and put them in my discord link in case anyone needs them.
Thanked by: omega_mog
Where can I find your discord link?
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(06-13-2021, 10:07 PM)omega_mog Wrote: Where can I find your discord link?

right here
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