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metaldodomon's textures submissions - Printable Version

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RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 06-27-2010

Special monster
[Image: blacklustersoldiericon.png]

Black luster soldier from yugioh the falsebound kingdom. Now I can use code on dolphin, so now I can rip all monsters. Also for making the icon, what is the best, the mugshot of the monster (as special monsters) or the sprite of the monster

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ultimecia - 06-27-2010

It`s a special monster, right?

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 06-28-2010

Special monster
[Image: perfectlyugmothicon.png]

Perfectly ultimate great moth from yugioh the falsebound kingdom. Yes black luster is a special monster and this to.

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ultimecia - 06-28-2010

Alright, this may be the last one before I come back, I`m not sure if I`m going to find free internet at the next hotel, but don`t mind me. Continue ripping as much as you like ;p

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 07-06-2010

Special monster
[Image: obeliskthetormentoricon.png] [Image: slifertheskydragonicon.png] [Image: thewingeddragonofraicon.png]
The three egyptian gods from yugioh the falsebound kingdom. There is a long time ago that I haven't post textures, so it's a divine return^^.

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 07-08-2010

[Image: marioparty4icon.png]
Friendly characters
[Image: boomp4icon.png]
My second mario game it was good time. Boo my favorite mario character from mario party 4(NGC).

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 07-10-2010

[Image: armeddragonlv10icon.png] [Image: cyberbladericon.png] [Image: cyberdarkdragonicon.png] [Image: gilfordthelightningicon.png] [Image: tytannialprincessofcame.png]
Five monsters from yugioh world championship 2010. Sorry if I don't post textures everyday but it's holidays, i have ripped some textures from a game (it's a mario game with king boo and petey piranha) but it's for later. And i'll stop to put my rip on the first post (this take a long time and a great place).

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ultimecia - 07-10-2010

It's just me or Yu-Gi-Oh got far too many dragons?
Now I think I'm going to try to watch some of the series' full seasons, lost many of the episodes

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 07-11-2010

[Image: newsupermariobros1.png]
[Image: chainchompicon.png]
Chomp from nsmb ripped with NSBTXExtractor. I can rip a good part of the game. And sorry for the blank space on the sheet.

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 07-11-2010

[Image: lavagolemicon.png]
Lava golem from yugioh wc2010. When they released the deck of marik I can have this card^^.
@Ultimecia how you rip your n64 tetxures, with glide64 I can't find the dump textures option.

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ultimecia - 07-11-2010

I got Yugi and Joey's decks but I don't play anymore and I don't have money to beef my deck (ok, I do have money but I rather buy other stuff....I know if I start playing it I won't stop easily)

I'm using Mudlord's Rice Video plugin, so far works fine

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 07-12-2010

[Image: sangaofthethundericon.png]
Sanga of the thundeer from yugioh the falsebound kingdom.
[Image: chainchompicon.png]
I have ripped the textures with opengl (I prefer this as NSBTXExtractor because it doesn't rip all textures so I prefer rip all with the same tool).
Me I have the deck of yugi, kaiba, pegasus and jaden but i play rarely.

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ultimecia - 07-12-2010

Why you have submitted Chain Chomp again? Is there anything wrong with that?

Jaden's deck sounds lots of fun, specially if you're into screaming and making poses (me? I like to instill terror > : D )

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 07-12-2010

It's because I have ripped it with opengl (with NSBTXExtractor some textures missing, so I want to rip all with the same tool Smile)

RE: metaldodomon's submission - Ectevy - 07-13-2010

[Image: balloonbooicon.png]
Balloon boo from nsmb. When the download of zelda tp will finish I can rip from it Cute. Me I love win quickly (with the evil hero it's easy^^)
@Ultimecia: do you reupload chain chomp?