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Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Printable Version

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Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Keldeo - 03-06-2011

Listen here,
I am in the process of making a Mew Mew Power and Pokémon fusion series. It has no name so far. Like in Mew Mew Power people get their DNA fused with animals, in my new series their DNA would be fused with Pokémon, legendary ones at that. The main character is going to be fused with Victini, as the main character in MMP is fused with an Irimote (Spelling?) Cat. See my signature for more details, and PM me if you wish.

P.S. I can only come on this site on Fridays and Saturdays only.


RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Keldeo - 03-06-2011

Oh, yeah, and I forgot. This is not Sailor Moon related at all and no anthros are in this.

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - GrooveMan.exe - 03-06-2011


I'm afraid that's not how this board works. This is for games that are already in development, or at the very least, have a well-detailed design document. This thread seems to have neither.

I will give you a few days to either flesh out some actual concept and mechanics for this thing, or to post a demonstration of your progress. If not, I'll lock this thread.

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Perseus - 03-06-2011

You'll have to wait until Friday

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Keldeo - 03-06-2011

(03-06-2011, 10:51 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: Um.

I'm afraid that's not how this board works. This is for games that are already in development, or at the very least, have a well-detailed design document. This thread seems to have neither.

I will give you a few days to either flash out some actual concept and mechanics for this thing, or to post a demonstration of your progress. If not, I'll lock this thread.

Flash? Um, err... I have no idea what you are talking about. ^^'
Demonstation? Like what kind? I am using an iPad you see, not a computer as my laptop broke. =C
And a design document? Like a written out plan thing? Would that work? And this game, what platform could it be on? I was planning it for the Wii.....
EDIT: How could I start making it if it doesn't have a name??Question END EDIT
I used to be a spriter, you see, until, one day, my laptop would not start up. And from then, I had go into temporary retirement from spiriting, and in the meantime I became a story writer, artist and My Little Pony customiser... And that is why I don't sprite, and if you guys (and girls ;D) out there could help, starting with the name, and maybe we should move this to the DS, so we can sprite it. Can you all help me then? Please? *puppy eyes* (XD always works XD) Please? I'll give you some of the rights!!! (Maybe...)

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - GrooveMan.exe - 03-06-2011

I think it's pretty clear what I mean. This board is for threads that can demonstrate project progress; in any sufficient form. Design documents, screenshots, playable demos, artwork, you name it.

If you don't even have basic things like what format you want to develop for, then your game idea isn't ready for this board yet. End of.

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Keldeo - 03-06-2011

(03-06-2011, 11:23 AM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: I think it's pretty clear what I mean. This board is for threads that can demonstrate project progress; in any sufficient form. Design documents, screenshots, playable demos, artwork, you name it.

If you don't even have basic things like what format you want to develop for, then your game idea isn't ready for this board yet. End of.

Yeah, but Iaza does not work on iPads! I can draw artwork for it, but I can't upload it!!!
And the format is for DS. Wii is too hard for me yet.
And I can't make flash! I couldn't even make it when my laptop was working. I only had MicroSoft Paint after all!!!

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Sengir - 03-06-2011

So how exactly do you plan on programming this? Your posts indicate that you're not a programmer nor currently a pixel artist.

So please enlighten me, as from what I've read this appears to be a request for a team to make an entire game for you. And that's not how it works. In fact, "story writers" are hardly ever (read as "never") project leaders. They have very little to offer as a director, especially when the story writer is just fusing two existing stories together.

and erm... My Little Pony customizer? I fail to see how that relates to game development at all...

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Keldeo - 03-06-2011

(03-06-2011, 11:32 AM)Sengir Wrote: So how exactly do you plan on programming this? Your posts indicate that you're not a programmer nor currently a pixel artist.

So please enlighten me, as from what I've read this appears to be a request for a team to make an entire game for you. And that's not how it works. In fact, "story writers" are hardly ever (read as "never") project leaders. They have very little to offer as a director, especially when the story writer is just fusing two existing stories together.

and erm... My Little Pony customizer? I fail to see how that relates to game development at all...
Listen here... It is NOT my fault my laptop broke. And you have to have someone to write the story line, do you not? I'm the one who thought of this series, and MLP
customiser was part of my story of why I can't, not don't, sprite. I miss spiriting, I can tell you that!!! Spriting was not a task, or a chore to me. It was fun. It was like a challange, a test of skills. I even had a sprite shop on a different site, of which, I
forgot the name of... So see? I would really like to make this, but I can't, not I won't.

And I was only a story writer because it was something for me to do in my temporary retirement. My break, in other words.

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Sengir - 03-06-2011

If you "can't" then why even post, why not wait until later? This is really looking like a request more and more.

Locking right now so a shitfest doesnt start.

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - GrooveMan.exe - 03-06-2011

That paragraph was almost entirely gibberish.

What I'm getting from this is that you don't have the means to produce additional information or content about this game idea; let alone actually producing the game. So then this thread has no reason to be open. Try again when you have your laptop working, you actually have some content to contribute, and you're capable of typing coherent sentences.

RE: Mew Mew Power Pokémon Fusion Series (No name) - Sengir - 03-06-2011

Also, sending a PM demanding that I unlock this topic isn't exactly the best way to actually get it unlocked.