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Turn Based or Real Time? - Kairos - 08-21-2008

A question that has plagued me for ten minutes.

Which type of RPG game play do you prefer:Turn Based (I.E. Final Fantasy) or Real Time (I.E. Tales Of)

I may self prefer Real-Time, because I like action in my battles, despite the fact that people often say there is no strategy to Real-Time, I disagree. I admit, there is less strategy in Real Time than Turn Based, but you do have to think a little in Real Time games.

Plus, I'm slow, and I get killed to many times in Turn Based Games.


RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Rakia - 08-21-2008

Real time.
There are a few exceptions where I like turn based, like chrono trigger.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Badassbill - 08-21-2008

I think a mix of the 2 works best, like in Eternal Sonata, but overall I'd have to say turn based.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Zee - 08-21-2008

Damn, and here I cam into this topic thinking it was about strategy games.

I suppose turn based, allows for more thought, more finesse. Then again, real-time is a nice break of pace from time to time. I prefer TB RPGs but a good RT RPG is fun.

And RTS beats the heck out of TBS, just saying.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Devicho - 08-21-2008

I like both, but I prefer turn based.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Yoder - 08-21-2008

I prefer turn-based with real-time elements (Paper Mario, Elite Beat Agents, etc...).

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Chdonga - 08-21-2008

I prefer real time, turn-based may be better because you can plan a strategy and not worry about the opponent killing you while you make it, but real time is a lot faster and it doesn't seem as much like the enemy you're fighting is immortal.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Voyage 34 - 08-21-2008

Turn based. Sometimes I need to take my time.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Alex - 08-21-2008

Real Time. It's just much more fun.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Koopaul - 08-21-2008

Hmm... I'm torn between the two. Is there another style? People need to start thinking of new ways for RPG battles.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Yoder - 08-22-2008

FF1-6's ATB was nice, because, although turn-based, it rewarded you for quick acting by allowing your character to attack before the enemy would have if you took longer to decide.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - GrooveMan.exe - 08-22-2008

Turn Based. There are a few occasions when real time works, but mostly it leaves itself to the mercy of bad battle mechanics and design.

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Alpha Six - 08-22-2008

ATB from Final Fantasy VIII owns both of them. it's like a fusion of the two styles

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - JoshR691 - 08-22-2008

Well, I like both a lot, but it really depends what I'm in the 'Mood' right now, I'm replaying Red Alert 2, it's expansion(Yuri's Revenge) and Wind Waker(not so much strategy, just Real-Time), and I'm thinking about busting out the old PS2 and playing some KH2

but midway through this semester, I'll probably be back to the old Final Fantasies, and Pokemon...Although, I kind of hope not, since Red Alert 3's coming out =P

RE: Turn Based or Real Time? - Goemar - 08-22-2008

I like turn based with hints of real time like Mario and Luigi.
As for strategy games I can't stand RTS but love TBS.