tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - Keiang - 11-04-2012
[This is now the official topic for old sprite compo themes! If you missed one but want to make a sprite for it, post it here!]
(08-05-2012, 10:17 AM)total burning heart kojjiro Wrote: This weeks "Theme" is Steal This Sprite, a relatively easy sprite editing theme that's built for beginners but with a bit of hidden edge to it for the more competent people.
How does this theme work? Well, back in The Days of Yore people actually had to deal with Sprite Theft as a thing that actually happened. You might see this in younger pixelart/ripping communities still, but I honestly doubt it.
How is this going to help you become a pixelartist? Alright then!
The Theme works like this, this week.
-You may use ANY sprite or set of sprites from both the Sega Genesis and SNES sections on TSR.
(http://www.spriters-resource.com/genesis/, http://www.spriters-resource.com/snes/)
You take any sprite you want as inspiration, and have to remake it in either a different style, or completely overhaul it's design.
Feel free to take liberties with any current design, but you may not deviate from the palette.
(08-14-2012, 12:00 PM)Chris2Balls [:B] Wrote: This week's theme is "custom sprite".
I'll be asking you to pick a relatively well-known videogame character, and create a rip-off of it.
You have to use 16 colours, and you're restricted to a 96x96 canvas. Transparency allowed but counts as a colour.
Examples of rip-offs, not exclusive to videogames:
-Chinese Gundam v1,v2, v3
-The Giana Sisters, ripping off Super Mario Bros.
-Guile, ripping off Rudolph Von Stroheim
(08-22-2012, 09:26 PM)Sketchasaurus Wrote: Every spriter has attempted an NES styled sprite at least once in their spriting history, but very few have succeeded to do so the right way.
among the sea of crappy megaman edits, there are a few gems of custom goodNES (pun intended)
The aim of this challenge is to create a custom sprite (or sprites) that fit within the graphical limitations of the NES.
The color restrictions are both the NES palette and the colors-per-screen limitations.
![[Image: NES_palette.png]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/29/NES_palette.png)
The maximum size will be the dimensions of the NES screen resolution: 256x240
(09-12-2012, 11:26 PM)Keiang Wrote: Take a preexisting character, and make a rule 63 counterpart for it. You know, alternate gender version. Gorsal and Arisa, that kind of thing. Avoid using preexisting pairs if you can, but it's fine if you can't think of anything better.
As for technical limitations, let's just use the ones from the compo before last:
Chris2Balls Wrote:You have to use 16 colours, and you're restricted to a 96x96 canvas. Transparency allowed but counts as a colour.
(09-22-2012, 05:25 AM)Cobalt Blue Wrote: Each higher level adds to the previous level's restrictions.
◘Sprite a shoot em up sprite and its nemesis/counterpart/rival/enemy. you are required to sprite them in the following canvas facing each other.
![[Image: Image2.png?noCache=1348305839]](http://s13.postimage.org/hf51kqefn/Image2.png?noCache=1348305839)
○you're free to rotate the image if you prefer, but the canvas should not be modified in its size.
○Colors: 4~8. not less than 4, no more than 8.
○Animation: 3~6 frames max. note that restrcion is applied to the canvas, not to the ships.
○You must pick an existing company/franchise/character rivalry and portrait it as a duel of shmup sprites. it MUST be clear what company/franchise/characters are.
○Also, you must sprite the background and animate it accordingly.
sidenote: remember, the SHMUP genre is not restricted only to spaceships.
(10-07-2012, 04:46 AM)Hoeloe Wrote: The topic of this competition is: Steampunk.
Take anything you like, a character, an object, a scene, and sprite them in a steampunk style. It can be anything, but get some steam in there!
The catch? You have to use EITHER ONE of these palettes:
![[Image: ovAdp.png]](http://i.imgur.com/ovAdp.png)
Pick one of those palettes to make your sprite in, and stick to it.
(10-15-2012, 04:32 PM)Keiang Wrote: Go here and generate a video game title.
Make a title screen for it. No larger than 240x160, deadline is Sunday the 28th.
(10-30-2012, 04:33 PM)Nonnie Grey Wrote: What could possibly cast shadows like these? Quite a bit, actually, if you've the creative mind for it. That's your task for the week. I have here four silhouettes and it's up to you to show us what you think they could be.
![[Image: shadow2.png]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/Kayorei/shadow2.png)
![[Image: shadow4.png]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/Kayorei/shadow4.png)
Pretty simple stuff. Just pick one silhouette and fill it in. Anything goes as long as you don't do anything that would change the silhouette. This means no extra pixels outside and no blank or open space inside. EDIT: You are allowed to flip or rotate the silhouette.
(11-15-2012, 06:05 AM)NICKtendo DS Wrote: No one made one yet, I, one of the runner-ups, am here to save the day.
The theme of today: Enviroments.
The rules:
-The subject must be an asset or collection of assets that can be used for an enviroment. That includes tilesets. Think trees, rocks, plants, water, clouds, the list goes on. Stuff like faces on hills like those from Mario are allowed.
--The entry MUST contain atleast one asset or tile. However, a single tile is very unlikely to win the competition.
-No characters, animals, monsters and the like allowes. Again, things like faces on hills are an exception.
-Backgrounds are allowed, but not mandatory.
--You are allowed to make a mock-up, as long as it focusses on the asset and/or tiles. Of course you'd have to arrange the tiles to make a proper mock-up, so it doesn't have to be an actual tileset, as long as it shows it's from a tileset. Mind that it's a waste to only use a part of your tileset for your mock-up, so either efficiently distribute every tile on that mock-up, or just show the tileset.
--Backgrounds* are primarily used to demonstrate the assets and/or tiles. You are not to be judged for the background*. (This is also sort of a rule for the voters)
--*A background made of tiles (Example: 32x32 repeated cave wall or SMB clouds and hills) count as tiles. Assets and tiles can be placed freely in a 'room' to design/create a level, while a background cannot.
-There is no size restriction, except that tiles in tilesets must be squares of multiples of 8 high and wide. (A 56x50 tree for example would fit in a 64x64 square, so that doesn't matter)
-Color limit is 16, including transparency. That goes for the entire work, including backgrounds and everything. Not per tile.
How creative is your enviroment? Remember that grassland isn't the only type of enviroment there is.
What are you waiting for? Get landschaping!
Due date is extended to Monday 26th of November.
(11-27-2012, 02:42 PM)Sevenstitch Wrote: Christmas is close for most, and whenever the holiday draws near, I watch all of my childhood favorite movies. I love seeing my favorite characters again. You know, like the Grinch, The Boogie Man, and of course Mr. Scrooge.
I like the bad guys, is that wrong? They all share a common trait, they are all greedy.
The goal this week is to design a main character sprite. The catch? The character must be the embodiment of greed.
Compo prerequisites
+one sprite, any dimensions
+16 colors max palette
+must be an animated pose or action, minimum of 4 frames required
The character itself only needs to adhere to the palette, but it would be appreciated if any colors used for background or other sprite elements be put in a separate palette, which also must only be 16 colors max. so I suppose you have two palettes to work from, but only one may be used on the main character itself. Any cross-palette funny business will forfeit your entry.
I understand that some designs might not scream "I'm a greedy guy," so please tell us a little about your entry so voters can have a little perspective on the character. Your character can be anything you want, a robber, a thief, investment banker, you name it. Just so long as they are all about the money. Also, the animation can be whatever you like, an Idle pose, an attack, jump roping, it's your choice.
As Gors has pointed out a few posts down,
Quote:This challenge is not mainly pixelart; it is more a challenge to test your character design abilities, so look for a bunch of references of greedy traits, their symbolisms and colors, posing etc.
this pretty much sums up the heart of this compo.
(12-15-2012, 11:36 AM)NICKtendo DS Wrote: Since I've created a competition before, I'll leave this to my fictional buddy, Neko the Bouncy Cat.
Neko: Nya!
"Ladies and Gentlecats, it's time to go feline!
Create a custom sprite of an original or existing feline character. It can be a cat-girl, a realistic cat or a cute anthro kitty like me! That's the only rule! Go nuts!"
You've heard the cat. This compo's theme is 'cats'.
You have until December 29th. Let end this year with cats! Meow!
(01-03-2013, 07:16 PM)Virtuaboy123 Wrote: As a fan of kaiju and mecha, watching movies or playing games containing either always get my attention.(heck my character is basically gigantor/tetsujin)
Which brings us to the new competition of the Year!
-Maximum Canvas size is 192X192
-16 color maximum
-Doesn't matter whats fighting so long as they are giant!!!(humans can be used but only in an army form)
-Location of the battle must be either be a city, or in space
-Can use preexisting monsters and mecha if you want, create your own dream battle
(01-26-2013, 06:55 AM)Previous Wrote: Since everyone seems to be back into Pokémon!
So you're fed up with all these bad Fakemon and Pokémon splices? Tired of seeing Pikasaur and Wartwo? Sick of Plaid Pink and Dotted Orange?
The thirteenth volume of the tSC Compo Series challanges you to make your own custom Pokémon battle sprites!
Here are the rules:
• Front and back pose, each 64x64px maximum
• 16 colours maximum (one palette for both sprites)
• The front sprite may have a battle intro animation of 3 frames at most
• If you're out of creative ideas, official Pokémon are fine, but your own creations are preferred. However, splices and edits will be shot on sight.
• If you're super fancy, you may set up a battle mock-up with health bars, text boxes and all that sweet eye-candy. These may have their own palettes, but should not be accounted for judgement.
• I think everything else is self-explanatory.
(02-09-2013, 10:31 AM)Bombshell93 Wrote: The task for this tSR competition is make something with a cape, it doesn't matter what, a duck, a planet, a shoe, a person, anything goes! Just make sure it has a cape!
there must be a background (bland horizon is fine but an actual background like a city scape, mountain range, etc. is preferred),
any resolution / colour selection goes,
there must be a cape!
(02-21-2013, 08:43 PM)Sevenstitch Wrote: Can't you feel the love in here man? Far out, man.
For this compo, you have to make a psychedelic, groovy, trippy version of someone else's ref.
That is, you have to make your own interpretation of the ref, with retro 60's/70's influences.
There is no need to "claim" refs, any ref can be used as many times as necessary.
It would be great if a wide variety of refs showed up though 
There are no size or palette restrictions for this compo, but the entry must have both a sprite of
your chosen ref AND a background to accompany it.
If you are confused as to what a "ref" is, It stands for "reference character."
Check either the current or old Love Threads for ref ideas.
(03-09-2013, 06:36 PM)Hiyna S. Blackfeather Wrote: So This time its about scenery,
make your or another person's Ref in a situation involving the setting they are in like excavating the pyramids or getting chased by natives in a jungle
There are no size or palette restrictions for this compo, but the entry must have both a sprite of
your chosen ref AND a background to accompany it
(03-22-2013, 10:00 AM)Previous Wrote:
As the title suggests, the task is to reimagine Pac-Man. Away from the circular pill-eater and bed sheet ghosts. What I want to see is a complete overhaul!
Pac-Man as a muscular guy swallowing energy drinks, Pac-Man as a fat burger-eater, the ghosts as ferocious monsters with fangs and claws, a stone-age setting, RPG or Jump'n'Run sprites - anything goes that isn't Pac-Man while it still is Pac-Man!
RE: Title Screen Randomizer - Previous - 11-05-2012
When making a Poll, you get the option to have it close automatically after X number of days. Leave blank to keep it open. *shrug*
RE: Title Screen Randomizer - Koopaul - 11-07-2012
Where was this originally posted?
RE: Title Screen Randomizer - puggsoy - 11-07-2012
"Wrath of the Tricycle Fun"
"Mickey's Elevator Quest"
"Intellectual Goblin on Wheels"
I am definitely using this for ideas for Flash games later on.
RE: Title Screen Randomizer - Previous - 11-07-2012
(11-07-2012, 02:12 AM)Koopaul Wrote: Where was this originally posted?
It was Compo #7. This thread was made in case people want to make more disregarding the contest part.
I may change this topic in a general "previous TSR compos" topic when I'm home as I recall some people asked for one.
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - Previous - 11-09-2012
Whoops forgot all about this! But here we go now!
This is now the official topic for past tSR Compos - their themes (tasks & rules) will be collected in the first post so people can still make sprites following said rules and post them here, without the competitive and timely constraints.
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - SKELTON S. SKELETON - 11-11-2012
and if you make them REALLY good i might give you a dollar!
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - Candel - 11-11-2012
you might want to add a between every compo, itll help differentiate all the diferent compos
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - Previous - 11-11-2012
I thought having them all in their own quote box would be fine. But okay.
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - Koopaul - 11-11-2012
Well this might be fruitful.
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - Rakia - 11-12-2012
Yis. This will give me a chance to go through all the compos I missed because of school/me not coming here that often. Thank you for this.
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - SKELTON S. SKELETON - 11-13-2012
does zytric actually know he won the last competition
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - Previous - 11-13-2012
She hasn't been online yet, but a PM is waiting in her inbox. I'm giving her another day before letting Sevenstitch or NICKtendo DS make the next one.
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - Lexou Duck - 11-13-2012
also what happened to shawn's sprite contests
those were awesome
RE: tSR Compo Vol. ∞: Things from the Past - SKELTON S. SKELETON - 11-14-2012
why dont you let me make one instead, i'm ready to take over again