Super Arisa World: Dialogues
Dialogues of the game Super Arisa World. They're still in WIP stage, and they are prone to changes during the game's development.
Formatting Layout:
Charname: Text >Character Name and his text line.
*action* >Action that happens during dialogues.
Y/N >Yes/No.
Y >'Yes' option. Shows dialogues for when you answer 'Yes' to the character.
N >'No' option. Shows dialogues for when you answer 'No' to the character.
+ >Restarts the dialogue at this point when retriggered.
NOTE: The last line repeats when the player tries talking with the NPC again, unless if there is a + symbol, in which case the text will be repeated from that point onward.
*Crappy can be controlled*
Crappy: Sengir! I need your help! Vipershark has captured all the imoutos in tSR! Please save them from being turned into dakimakuras!
Sengir: I'm sorry, Crappy, but I'm busy coding for Kaijin Tactics.
Crappy: Gors bro! Vipershark has kidnapped all the imoutos in tSR! Save them please...
Gors: Uh-oh, Crappy, I can't right now. I'm managing TFR's progress... I'll help you when I have the time, OK?
Crappy: Crap... Who is going to save the girls from Vipershark now...
*Crappy hears Arisa and Sengi~'s chatter*
Crappy: Arisa! Help us! Vipershark has kidnapped all the imoutos in tSR! Please save them from being transformed into dakimakuras...
*cue Title Screen*
Juudan Shoujo Arisa Chan
Go on now!
Hiroi sora no shiroi kumo wo tsuranuite
Go on now!
Yami wo uchitaoshite
Come on, go on now!
Sekai no imouto wo torimodosu tameni
Go straight my GREEN BULLET GIRL!
Itsumono mainichi ga
Itsunomani "oh my God!"
Message ga todoita sono shunkan de
Adventure ga ha . ji . ma . ru!
Watashi no tomodachi to ittemiyou!
Warusa wo korashimete cheesecake wo hitokuchi pakuri~
Tabi wa nagai kedo kimi no tamenara watashi ga . n . ba . ru!
TSR wo sukuu tameni GAN GAN GAN GAN GAN!
Go on now!
Hiroi sora no shiroi kumo wo tsuranuite
Go on now!
Yami wo uchitaoshite
Come on, go on now!
Sekai no imouto wo torimodosu tameni
Go straight my GREEN BULLET GIRL!
Recme: So, Arisa/Sengi~! Is this your first time playing Super Arisa World?
Recme: Then, I'll help you with the basics! I've placed several Message Boxes in this level to help you along the way. Hit them from below if you fancy an advice!
Recme: Ok, then! I'll wait you at the Pink Moon Café!
Box01: Control Basics: Press P to jump, and move while holding O to run. You can also hold items with O, and throw them by releasing the button. Those keys can be configured in the Options Menu.
Box02: Climb ladders with UP. Pretty straightforward, huh? You can enter doors with UP too.
Box03: Enter pipes with DOWN. No surprises here.
Message: You got a + REP! Collect 5 of those in this level to get an 1UP!
Box04: Enemies! Kill them by stomping them, or hurling objects at them. If you kill enough enemies, you'll level up and become more powerful! You'll become weak again if you take damage, though, so beware!
Box05: People around here are talkative, you know! Press UP to listen to them!
Crappy: Hey Arisa/Sengi~! Did you learn the commands? They'll be useful in your adventure!
Crappy: If for some reason you are hit on the head, brainwashed or something, you can always come here to refresh your memory.
Crappy: You'll need to pay 20 coins to replay this level, though.
Crappy: ...
Crappy: I was joking. Don't make that face to me!
Recme: Hi! We met again! Relax a bit, drink some coffee!
Recme: I enjoy spending my time in here. But as you see, things are quite down around here. Feel at home, though.
Maidsukki: Sob... sob... Oh... all my customers fled because of that terrible Vipershark! How can I work if I have no one to serve? Please, Arisa/Sengi~, save them from that monster, or else I'll have to close my café...
Maidsukki: Please... I count on you...
(happens when the player re-enters the café without completing any level after LEVEL 0)
Maidsukki: Zzzz...
Maidsukki: Oh my! I'm working! I'm working!!
Message: You got a Manga piece! Vipershark has stolen all your manga collection and tore them all into four pieces. Gather all four pieces in each level to retrieve it!
Kitsu: PWAH!
Kitsu: Phew! Thanks for freeing me! I'll never treat that weirdo Vipershark!
Kitsu: What? Someone in the café needs my help? I'll head there right now, then!
Recme: Good job, Arisa/Sengi~! With your help, customers have been reappearing! I hope the café becomes as prosperous as it was before!
Recme: By the way, this coffee is delicious...
Recme: Mmm...
Kitsu: Weko, I didn't think I would end up like this... I think I'd rather be captive than having to work here...
Kitsu: ...Oh, I mean... Welcome, g-goshijunsama... May I h-help you?
Kitsu: May I h-help you?
+Nagatsukki: Hello! I'm Nagatsukki!
Nagatsukki: I wanted to come here for a long time, but I couldn't because of those pesky Vipergoombas.
Nagatsukki: But since you defeated them, now I can safely visit the café and drink my favorite cappuccino~
Nagatsukki: Thank you very much, oneechan!
Maidsukki: Oh, Arisa/Sengi~! Thank you so much! Now, I have a customer and a helper! Keep up your good work!
*Triggers automatically when passing through a certain point*
Belle: Yaaaahhhh!
*Player stops, Belle falls from the top of the screen*
Belle: Stop it right there, girl!
Belle: I see you're trying to save tSR, huh? Tough luck! I, Belle Lebel, am going to bring peace to this land, not you!
Belle: If I were you, I'd go home and let the MOST CAPABLE, STRONGEST and PRETTIEST bullet girl to handle this!
Belle: ...What? Are you listening?! I told you to leave!
Belle: I guess I have no choice other than giving you the taste of justice!
*Battle Starts*
*Belle is defeated*
Belle: Aah!!
Belle: I think I underestimated you... You won the battle, but not the war! You'll regret this!
*Belle flees*
Jetters: Yay!
Jetters: I wish I could doublethank you for saving me! I was captured by those Vipergoombas and couldn't escape. I was so scared...
Jetters: I can't wait to go to the Pink Moon Café! I used to go there everyday until I was kidnapped. Maidsukki must have been worried sick about me...
Recme: Good job, Arisa/Sengi~! With your help, customers have been reappearing! I hope the café becomes as prosperous as it was before!
Recme: By the way, I saw a yellow bullet girl running out there. Is she a friend of yours?
Kitsu: Meow...
+Kitsu: N-now that I'm working here... Maidsukki decided to start an inn business in the café. As a service, I n-need to meow in the customer's ears...
Kitsu: H...How I miss being inside the bag...
Kitsu: ...Oh, I mean... Meow...
+Zac: Eheheh... ehehe...

Zac: I can get used to this...
+Jetters: Aah! It's nice to be back here again!
Jetters: I enjoy the atmosphere in this place! There are so many happy people to hang out, and the food is delicious!
Maidsukki: Oh, Arisa/Sengi~! Thank you so much! Little by little, the customers are reappearing! Oh, how I love working here!
+Maidsukki: You can sleep here to recover your energy! Don't worry about money, take it as proof of my gratitude!
Maidsukki: Just press UP in front of the bed to sleep~
*Sleeping recovers all HP*
Message: Kitsu's meow lulls Arisa/Sengi~ to sleep. You feel completely recovered!
+Maidsukki: Good morning, Arisa/Sengi~! I hope you had a nice dream!
Maidsukki: ...what? You dreamt that your house was infested by cats? That's weird...
(There is a place where you need to break a block to get a manga piece. The block also supports a platform where Sunlight is sitting on. Breaking it will make the platform collapse, and make Sunlight fall.)
*block breaks, platform falls*
Sunlight: Aaaagh!!
*Sunlight falls head first on the ground, making him stuck*
Sunlight: ...
*Triggers automatically when passing through a certain point*
*Belle enters screen from the opposite side*
Belle: Ah-ha! So we met again...
Belle: I lost that time, but I almost got you!
*Pinches finger and moves arm while talking*
Belle: But justice never fails, and I'm going to prove it now! En garde!
*Battle starts*
*Belle is defeated*
Belle: Sacrebleu! I lost again!...
Belle: The luck may be on your side, but I will win in the end! Remember that!
*Belle flees to the left side of screen*
Soniko: ...
Soniko: Thank you...
Recme: Good job, Arisa/Sengi~! With your help, customers have been reappearing! I hope the café becomes as prosperous as it was before!
Recme: By the way, this cheesecake... Oh my...
Recme: Mmm...
+Kitsu: Welcome, Arisa/Sengi~!
Kitsu: I convinced Maidsukki to stop with the Inn business. In return, I started making my special cheesecakes. They're getting quite popular as of now!
Kitsu: ...actually, I had to memorize the recipe as fast as possible. I don't like cooking... but if it's to avoid meowing in others' ears, then...
+Zac: Oh man, this place got borring now. Why did they stop with the inn service right now? I liked it alot.
Zac: Oh well, I still get to see Kitsu so I'm ok with this
Jetters: Hey, Arisa/Sengi~! How are you?
Jetters: You need to try this cake out; it's sooo delicious! Kitsu-neechan is a great cook, I bet she can make other tasty treats!
Jetters: By the way, there's that small, shy person right there. She doesn't speak a word, and spends her time standing there.
Jetters: Why don't you try talking with her?
Soniko: ...
Soniko: Thank you for saving me... Take this as a reward...
*Soniko hands a Hookshot to the player*
Message: You got a Hookshot! Try using it in the map screen.
Soniko: ...
Maidsukki: Hello, Arisa/Sengi~! Nice to see you again!
Maidsukki: Unfortunately, our Inn service has ended... Why don't you eat this cake instead? It's Kitsu's speciality!
*Maidsukki hands a cheesecake to the player*
Message: You got a piece of delicious cheesecake! This will fully replenish your health whenever you run out of it! It is gone after use.
Maidsukki: Come again if you want more!
*This line comes up when trying to get more cheesecakes*
Maidsukki: H-hey... Don't ask for more, that's being greedy...
(Sunlight is lying on a bed, his face covered in bandages)
Sunlight: Ohh... Ouch...
Sunlight: My whole body hurts... What did I do to deserve this...
Sunlight: ...Good afternoon, my girl. I'm lucky to find someone to talk with, and even luckier to be alive...
Sunlight: I was enjoying my meditation atop my favorite rock when everything came down. I couldn't see the idiot who caused that, it was so fast!
Sunlight: Luckily, a kind bullet lady passed by, and gladly took care of me and brought me here. The world needs more people like her...
Sunlight: I can't see you well, but I'm sure you are kind like that bullet lady. You'd never harm ol' Sunlight here, right?
+Sunlight: I swear that if I get out of this, I swear I am going to make the responsible pay...
*Arisa feels remorse*
*Triggers automatically when passing through a certain point*
*Belle enters screen from the opposite side*
Belle: Stop right now! Arisa!!
Belle: I'm fed up of you trying to foil my plans!
*J'en ai ras le bol*
Belle: I will win this time, and make you pay for all the times you humiliated me!!
*Battle starts*
*Belle is defeated*
Belle: ... sob... sob...
Belle: Why... I can't understand... I try so hard and yet I always lose!...
Belle: This is not fair!!
Belle: All I wanted is to make something good for people... I am sick of people ignoring me, or not believing in my abilities...
Belle: I saw in saving TSR an opportunity to show people I am important! But you always were there first!
Belle: That made me really, really jealous...
Belle: ...
*Arisa hugs Belle*
Belle: What...
Belle: T... thank you...
Belle: Jealousy is bad... If there is someone that deserves to save the people, it is you. I can't talk about justice or do good things if I'm moved by jealousy...
Belle: ...Please save TSR. I count on you. I am going to take care of someone now...
Belle: Thank you, Arisa.
*Belle leaves from the left side of screen*
Message: There are a lot of dakimakuras in this room...
Viper: Welcome, Arisa/Sengi~! It's nice to have you in my castle...
Viper: I won't need to have the trouble of kidnapping you this way. It's foolish to come against me now!
Viper: I can't wait to have you as my newest addition to my dakimakura collection...
*Vipershark jumps out of the screen, Konaghast enters*
Konaghast: ... U... uguu...
Konaghast: ... Itadakimasu...
*Battle starts*
*Konaghast is defeated, battle ends*
Konaghast: Yameteeeeee!!
*Konaghast explodes*
*Box05 appears*
Box05: Hello, Arisa/Sengi~? This is Recolorme!
Box05: Good job defeating Vipershark's monster! But, the princess is in another castle.
Box05: Vipershark has taken the advantage of the situation and kidnapped Princess Zoe while you were fighting Konaghast.
Box05: He is hiding somewhere in tSR, but you need some kind of key to get access into it!
Box05: Go on, Arisa/Sengi~! Go find Vipershark!
*Cue CREDITS - Nostalgia*
*This dialogue triggers automatically*
Recolorme: Man, it was a shame the princess wasn't there. Viper's a real buttlord!!
Mowtaku: But... he's cool...
Recolorme: Shut up, Mowtaku! He's creepy and bad!!
*automatic dialogue ends*
Recolorme: Excuse me for my sister, she acts weird sometimes...
Recolorme: I thought it would be a good idea to bring her here, but she's just embarassing me...
Mowtaku: Hai~, Arisa-chan/Sengi~chan! I'm Mowtaku! Nice to meet you!
Mowtaku: My little brother invited me to this Maid Café and I'm enjoying it so far~
Mowtaku: It's such a nice cute place, and it gives me plenty of ideas for my Dating Sim game

Mowtaku: I've been sketching some ideas for it, want to see?
Mowtaku: Okay then!
*Mowtaku hands out her notebook. A series of digitized handdrawn images appear, and you can choose between two options per drawing, resembling a Dating Sim game*
Message: Mow Mow Kyuun
N: Oh... it's okay, it's not finished yet anyway! ^v^
Viper: Ahahahaha! I'm impressed that you reached this far!
Viper: But this ends here! I have Princess Zoe with me!
Zoe: Arisa/Sengi~! Don't worry about me! Flee while you're still alive...
Viper: I'll turn Princess Zoe into a dakimakura and rule over tSR!!
Viper: ...All acording to keikaku*...
Message: *Keikaku means plan
*battle starts*
*Viper is defeated*
Viper: Aaaahhh!!
Viper: ...I... it can't be! I can't lose!!
*Viper explodes into several particles*
Zoe: Oh my, Arisa/Sengi~! You were safe! Thank you for saving me!
Zoe: The hideout is falling apart! Let's hurry!
*Arisa/Sengi~ leaves the hideout with Princess Zoe, sees the hideout crumble down Castlevania Style*