8 long years ago, on the split Sentai Mountain, the Exo-Force team ventured deep into the jungle, to prevent the evil robots from discovering the same ancient technology that was originally used to create their leader, Meca One. This mission ultimately ended in success, when a sudden earthquake caused Meca One’s battle machine to stumble and fall off a cliff. Or at least, everyone thought it was a success…
During the same time as the battle for Sentai Mountain, a team of mining specialists was deployed to Mars, to research and mine some mysterious energy crystals. They soon learned they were not alone, constantly under attack by aliens, forcing them to weaponize their vehicles and bases. In 2008, the Mars Mission team learned the aliens had constructed a massive hive, and of the existence of a new, heavily armed breed, the alien commanders. They soon realized just how deep they were in. In 2009, they were losing ground fast, and forced to retreat to areas of Mars not yet explored by the aliens. Later that year, a large four-wheeled vehicle entered the Martian atmosphere and crash-landed. A small group of copper and silver colored robots, and one gold one, emerged, and more fight broke-out. Before long, this new presence had forged an alliance with the aliens, and the two started to share technology with each other. The Alien Hive now occupies over 75% of Mars, and the Robot army is quickly expanding. More recently, the robots have sent several hybrid space craft and battle machines back to Earth, with the intent of finishing what they had started.
While the Mars Mission was losing the war for control of Mars, The Exo-Force team was thriving. The Golden City, and Sentai Fortress, both were making excellent recoveries. The Robot base and army were slowly being deconstructed, and their human slaves were freed. Recently, however, spacecraft and battle machines of robot origin have been attacking en masse. To make matters worse, they’ve received an upgrade. Almost everything they’ve been piloting appears to have been enhanced with some sort of biological component. The Exo-Force team soon learned the robots had relocated to mars, and built a ship to travel there. The robot attacks gradually broke-through human defenses. The humans were forced to evacuate, and the Exo-Force team took-off for mars. The robots now have full control of the mountain, and have begun a larger conquest for domination of the entire planet.
Back on Mars, the Exo-Force and Mars Mission have teamed-up, and combined their expertise and technologies to defeat the Robots and the Aliens once and for all. Meanwhile, deep inside the Alien Hive, Meca One and the Supreme Alien Commanders have been making some plans of their own to destroy their enemies. They have determined reviving and re-vamping an old robot battle machine, the Striking Venom, yields the highest chance of success with their dark mission. Construction is already underway.
The stakes are now higher than ever before that the Exo-Force and Mars Mission teams succeed. This is their final chance at victory.
Maybe tomorrow I'll take a shot at writing the final chapters of both themes. officially, they ended at cliffhangers. While this prologue does resolve said cliffhangers, it doesn't go into much detail how things went. I'll start with Exo-Force.