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Master of Eternity: model asset organization - Printable Version

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Master of Eternity: model asset organization - Gacha Grabber - 07-10-2023

It took a while, but the models for Masters of Eternity for mobile are almost ready. However, I need some help figuring out the best way to organize the model parts.

I will organize the models into two sections: character-specific and costumes. Each character has a body, face, and hairpiece specific to them. The costumes consist of additional bodies and hairpieces. The main problem is that each costume hairpiece is also character-specific and uses textures from both its own package and the character's package.

Ideally, I would like to mimic how the models were organized in the original assets as much as I reasonably can. Unfortunately, the textures for the hair are in the character-specific packages while the textures for the costumes are in the costume packages. The costume hairpieces use both textures, so I would need to include both in the submission. However, that means I would have to include up to 104 textures in some of the costume submissions, which seems unreasonable considering they already include a lot of meshes.

An alternate approach I could take is to include the costume hairpieces in the character-specific packages (which would require about 26 extra textures each) at the expense of proper organization of the assets.

The third approach I had been experimenting with was to separate the hair meshes from the accessory meshes (hats, hairclips, etc.) while omitting duplicate meshes used in multiple models. This would result in multiple hair meshes for some characters and each distribution would only need to include about 4 textures for the hair and costume combined, which would greatly reduce the submission sizes. However, this is the most complex method. Even if I don't make any mistakes with editing, I would still need to include a document detailing which hair mesh goes with which costume, and that can make things confusing for anyone who downloads the models.

There is one other method I thought of, and I believe it to be the best one in terms of submission size and user-friendliness, but it requires bending of the rules. For this method, I would keep the character and costume assets separate and include references to the character textures without actually including the textures (which goes against the statement "All textures must be included" in What Makes a Good Submission? section of the wiki). This means if, for example, a hairpiece from the Pirate submission were loaded in an editor, the pirate hat would be textured but the hair wouldn't. The hair texture can be obtained from the relevant character submission and added to the Pirate folder, resulting in a fully-textured model. I would, of course,  include those instructions in a text file. If possible, I'd like some feedback from staff about whether such a submission could be allowed despite the exclusion of textures.

Which of these methods is the best approach? Or are there any I haven't thought of that might work better? I included a poll, but I would also appreciate explanations from anyone willing. Thanks.

Edit: Should I have posted this under The Models Resource - Project Organization section instead?