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The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Printable Version

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The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Kairos - 03-25-2009

New Legend of Zelda announced at GDC 09

Planned to be released later this year.

Haven't seen any game play vids or the trailer yet, but it sounds like Phantom Hourglass with Trains. =/

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Ark Kuvis - 03-25-2009

I never played Phantom Hourglass.

Anyone think this'll be good?

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Kairos - 03-25-2009

Phantom Hourglass was fun. Was a bit annoying at times though with all the touch screen commands.

Spirit Tracks might be good. As long as the Train travel differs a bit from the Boat travel.

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - GrooveMan.exe - 03-25-2009


RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Vipershark - 03-25-2009

I REALLY hope this will have D-Pad control instead of touch screen control.

Also, how would the train gimmick work? Unless the train can fly or link can magically make tracks appear, then you could only go on predetermined routes.

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - GrooveMan.exe - 03-25-2009

Well the ship was on predetermined routes, so that's not much of a big deal. And 'Spirit' Tracks implies that they're dynamic, so expect the routes to change under certain criteria.

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Alpha Six - 03-25-2009

looks like shit, sorry

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Sol - 03-25-2009


the fuck?

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Chutzpar - 03-25-2009

This sounds kind of... not good.

I'm not saying that there's no way it COULD be good but it seems kind of a dick move. I don't particularly appreciate how instead of focussing on making the game fun they're just throwing new crap onto them ;c

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - JarJar - 03-25-2009

"Link is seen acting as the engineer for a train with a cannon mounted on the locomotive."

i kinda laughed at this, not in a good way either

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - PrettyNier - 03-25-2009

"Spirit Tracks" sounds more like a blues song then a Zelda game

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Vipershark - 03-25-2009

it's like for the DS zeldas they're trying out new gimmicks like sega is doing with the wii sonic games


edit- oh man I can see them bringing back linebeck as a train conductor or something

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Shawn - 03-25-2009

looks like shit. ph sucked and this will be even worse. :l

this is just horrible. ive been waiting a long ass time for THIS? wheres my real zelda?!

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - LilGrim1991 - 03-25-2009

I don't mind. This could go either way.

I'm glad that:

A. They're trying something different

B. Its LAND. We need more land free roaming in the Windwaker series.

RE: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks announced for the DS - Badbatman3 - 03-25-2009

Well, now that they've put modern technology in the series, it's just a matter of time before Link gets his own gun to replace that worthless bow. It will probably happen in the next game.