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2 Souls' Tale (previously named The Loving Couple's 8-bit Action/RPG)
This will be THE last update from me for a long while (depends).

[Image: 28f2f9bbb3c83f87a7dd150bee7baa37.png]

And a mockup of the tileset in use along with the appropriate sprites.

[Image: e6e526c53742dd465fc601d142f50724.png]

I know I said I was working on Lucy and other things and never mentioned this, but I wanted to keep something secret at the very least.
God is good.  Big Grin

An old fart who sits on a chair, giving animation and pixeling advice,... and calls everyone son...
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Messages In This Thread
RE: 2 Souls' Tale (previously named The Loving Couple's 8-bit Action/RPG) - by SmithyGCN - 08-11-2009, 11:07 PM

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