10-28-2011, 07:13 AM
One block of dirt next to supported stone.
Three Blocks of dirt next to supported stone - will definitely fall.
Dirt on stone, further away from actual supporting column.
I need to know because that is a crucial point in calculating block stability.
If dirt falls in the first scenario, but not in the third... things will get a little tiny bit more complicated.
Ath the moment, block stability is calculated expecting both the first and the third case to fall.
Take a look at this.
Orange being dirt, blue is rock/stone and pink is gem. Grey is nothing.
Numbers indicate calculated stability - 3 meaning fully supported, 2 is one field away from a fully supported block and 1 is two fields away - 0 means that a block will fall (if there is a block). A rock block connected to another rock block has a minimum stability of 1 if the other block has a stability greater than zero.
This means, if there was a block directly above the rock with a 3, it would be fully supported - a block next to it would only have a stability level of 2. The rest is as depicted in that image.
Also, no, it does not do anything but drawing some colored rectangles with numbers yet.