05-30-2012, 12:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2012, 12:00 PM by Makermatic21.)

Chapter 1: A Kingdom in Peril
Scene opens with Peach talking.
Peach: (talking to Toads) Okay everyone. See to it our guests are comfortable.(Two toad guards walk off and come back in the room with two chairs. One is red , the other green. The red chair is placed on the left while the green is on the right,. The Bros. sit.) Toadsworth, will you fetch us some tea?
Toadsworth: I’d be delighted to your highness.
Toadsworth exits.
(Mario and Luigi are eating tea and crumpets)
Luigi: (Stuffing his face.) Hmpf hee hem hor humphets ah deficious, Pwinfess. (This tea and your crumpets are delicious Princess.)
Peach: Thank you Luigi, I'm glad you're enjoying them.
Uknown to our heroes a small hand with a wrench messing with some pipes in the castle basement. Water is shown spurting out of the pipes everywhere and the basement begins to flood. A Toad goes over to the sink and turns it on. To his surprise water squirts him in the face. Now the kitchen is filling up fast with water.
Toad: The pipes! I must inform the Mario Bros.
He runs upstairs where our heroes are located...
Toad: Princess! Marios! We’ve got big trouble. The.. The pipes! Water is everywhere. We need Mario immediately.
Peach: What’s going on?
Toad:I went to the kitchen for a glass of water when suddenly the pipes in the kitchen burst. Water is everywhere! We must act fast.
Mario:Pipe problems? Probably nothing I can't-a fix.
Luigi: Let's do it bro!.
Toad: Wow do you guys really think you can fix all those pipes?
Mario: um hm.
Luigi: Oh yeah!
Toad: (Embarrassed) Oh right. You two are plumbers. I forget that sometimes. Well… Get to it! Give those pipes a good unclogging!
Mario and Luigi jump up and down. They go to head out, but are stopped by Toadsworth.
Toadsworth: Wait one of you needs to stay here with the Princess and I.
Peach: Oh Toadsworth.
Toadsworth: No arguments princess. As your Royal caretaker it’s my responsibility to see you remain unharmed. Although I am quite confident in my ability to take good care of you it doesn’t hurt to have at least one brother on the look out in case Bowser and his cronies show up. Mario Bros. I must insist that one of you remain behind to take care of the Princess.
Mario: It's best if you wait here bro.
Toadsworth: You mean you’ll fix the pipes and Green Mario will stay here?
Mario nods.
Luigi: (nods) well... Oki Doki.
Toadsworth: Very well. Mushroom’s speed Mario. I trust you shan’t be too long.
Mario arrives in the flooded basement. Horrified he exclaims:
Mario: Momma mia! (Mario quickly pulls out tools and dashes to the pipes, desperately trying to fix them)
How did this-a happen?
Suddenly a pipe appears out of no where in the middle of the floor. A curious Mario decides to investigate. Suddenly all these small mini Marios come leaping out of the pipe chaotically like the mini M&M commercials. All are shouting various Mario quotes from over the years. One different from the others appears. His eyes are glowing purple, as if in a trance. In his tiny Mario sounding voice he says:
Mini Mario: Surrender Mario or we will be forced to take action.
Mario:Who are you and why do you look-a like me?
Mini Mario: Don’t-a worry Mario. All will be answered and… GETT’EM!
The other 127 Marios’ eyes start glowing purple and they all leap on top of Mario.
Mario: Whoa! Hey! Let-a go!
He loses his footing and falls down the drain, as the leader Mario shouts:
Mini Mario: Down the Drain!
Mario falls into a pipe and vanishes as he is swarmed by all the other Marios who fall in the pipe with him.
Toad: Oh no! Mario’s been captured. I must inform the others at once.
Toad heads upstairs quickly to inform the others.
Toad: (Barging in room yelling) Princess! PRINCESSSS!!!
Peach: Yes Toad?
Toad: I.. That is… Small Marios everywhere… Giant pipe… CAPTURED!!!
Peach: Toad you have to calm down. I can’t understand you.
Toadsworth: Yes, yes tell us what is going on.
Toad: MARIO IS MISSING!!! (Everyone gasps in shock.) Your highness Mario was attacked by… well... little tiny Marios who captured him.
Toadsworth: Come now dear boy. Get yourself together you aren’t making the slightest bit of sense.
Toad: It’s true. Look I found this.
He hands Peach a letter. It is green in appearance.
Peach: Oh. This is addressed to…
Toadsworth: (snatching the letter from Peach) Here Master Green. Read this at once. It is the utmost of importance.
Luigi: Let me see it, maybe Mario's just ordering us a pizza.
Bowser’s warning letter:
Yo Greenie!
You know the drill by now. Tell Princess Toadstool to surrender her kingdom to its rightful owner or your chump bro. Mario is toast! I eagerly await your decision. By the way if there happens to be any objections on your part, you know where I’ll be. Come Get Some!
Your favorite Koopanion,
King Morton Bowser Koopa SR. -The Super Cool King Of Koopas And Soon To Be King Of The Mushroom… Kammy, are you getting all of this? Ok, cool. Where was I? Oh Right… King Of The Mushroom Kingdom and not The King Of Guys Who Talk to Posters! That Was Just A Rumor And A Lie! And…Yeah just surrender The Mushroom Kingdom, OK? That’s All!
Luigi: Wahh! (He throws the letter in the air.) Oh no! (He’s trembling)
Peach: What does it say? (Luigi quickly scoops the letter up.) Can I see it?
Luigi shakes his head no. Peach walks towards Luigi. He shakes head no.
Peach: Luigi.
Luigi:err... uh... umm... its-a nothing.
Peach: Luigi...
Luigi: shakes his head no
Peach: Luigi! (He falls over face first.)
Toadsworth: Oh my!
The letter flies upward and peach snatches it.
Peach: Gott’cha. (She reads the letter) Oh no! Mario is in trouble! Why didn't you tell me?
Luigi : I didn't want to upset you Princess...
Peach: Aww. You’re so sweet. (in a determined voice) Okay down to business. We gotta rescue Mario. (She pauses.) I'm coming with you!
Luigi: No, Princess! It's too dangerous!
Toadsworth: Your highness I can‘t allow that.
Toad: They are right Princess. You don’t know what dangers lye in wait out there. You could get hurt. Besides who better to save Mario than his little Bro.?
Peach:This is a dangerous mission that requires team work if we’re to save Mario.
Toadsworth: Princess please listen to reasoning.. Master Luigi is our only hope. What you are asking to do is far too dangerous for a Princess.
Peach: I don’t care. It was always dangerous for Mario too, but he braved the dangers and came to my rescue. (She pauses, than says sweetly) Please? I’m capable of handling myself on an adventure. Why I even saved you and Mario once. Tee hee.
Luigi: (Thinking for a moment.) Ok... you can come, but stay close behind.
Toadsworth: No.
Peach: What?
Toadsworth: I’m sorry your highness, but your safety comes first. You must remain here.
Peach: But Toadsworth…
Luigi: I could use her help.
Toadsworth: Absolutely not.
Luigi: She knows the layout of Bowser's castle better than any of us.
Toadsworth: Preposterous!
Luigi: I'll contact the Yoshis.
Toadsworth: Positively… wait. Them? They are her highness’ most trusted friends. If they were to help I’m sure the Princess would be safe and…
Peach: So I can go?
Toadsworth: Well… I know I’m going to regret this decision. The chancellor shan’t like this one bit. On the other hand in order to save our beloved kingdom I suppose…
Peach: Oh thank you, thank you!
Peach bolts right past Toadsworth towards the door causing Toadsworth to spin around and get all dizzy. Yoshi enters the room.
Yoshi: Yoshi.
Luigi: Yoshi, you have to protect the Princess at all costs. Can you handle that?
Yoshi: Yoshi, Yoshi.
Toad: That’s a great idea. With Yoshi helping you out green dude the Princess will be just fine.
Toadsworth is now getting up and recovering.
Toadsworth: Yoshi, you have a big responsibility. I'm trusting you to help Luigi bring the Princess back safely.
Yoshi: Yoshi!
A panic-stricken Toad runs into the room.
Toad: Help! May Day! Police! Sound the alarms! Do not pass go! Evacuate immediately! Trouble is…( Runs and crashes directly into a wall.) …a foot. oof.
He knocks himself out.
Peach: What on earth is going on now?
A Toad Guard enters the room.
Toad Guard: Princess! Our kingdom is under attack. Look out the window.
Everyone rushes over to the window. Koopa Troopas and Goombas are patrolling the land.Toads are running around frantically in all different directions. Explosions are everywhere and there are some mini fires. Kremlings are seen patrolling the land. UFO’s from Earth Bound are flying in the sky blasting parts of the ground with rays. A Yoshi hoard is seen racing toward the enemies eating foes who get in their way. . Suddenly a very large shadow is seen hovering over the area. Toads are screaming as blast of energy is shot at one of the Toads, who just barely gets out of the way. A large whole is burned into the ground. A loud shriek is heard and than the shadow is identified to be Ridley; who swoops down and snatches up the helpless Toad. a horrified Peach simply utters:
Peach: My kingdom... her hands pressed firmly against the window.
She looks as though she could cry. Ridley flys around shooting beams everywhere and destroying everything in his path. Octorocs pelt Toads with rocks and they retreat. Some Yoshis are retreating, others are fiercely battling.Toad Guards are laying around knocked out everywhere. It’s not looking good for the Mushroom Kingdom as aerial enemies are attacking the ground as well. Bowser, in his Koopa Clown Copter, is seen laughing. He than flies into a subspace portal and disappears. Than all the enemies start to scatter and all leave through subspace portals. The Mushroom Kingdom is shown in ruins. All different parts of it are shown destroyed. Toads and Yoshis lay everywhere. Peach starts crying. Luigi looks frightened, but seeing his friend upset trys to comfort her by giving her a hug. She stops crying. Luigi now looks onward.
Luigi: Momma mia! There's so many of 'em!
Peach: Luigi, Yoshi. You two are so loyal and brave, but… I don’t know if… we can… save my kingdom this time.
Toad: Don’t talk like that Princess.
Toadsworth: He’s right you must believe in yourself. We believe in you your highness.
Peach: Thank you. I… I just don’t know if I’m strong enough to…
A Toad guard enters the room.
Toad Guard: Princess. I have a letter here from Professor Elvin Gadd. He requests Luigi’s presence immediately. He says it’s urgent.
Toadsworth: This sounds quite serious. You all better head to his home right away.
Scene fades to black.
Mario: After our... er... "minor misunderstanding" Me-a and Luigi ate-a cake and drank-a tea with the Princess. We were having a total-a blast when a Toad came into the room to inform us that-a somehow the basement had become flooded. Realizing a potential disaster I agreed to fix-a the pipes, being a plumber and all. Luigi had agreed to stay behind and look out for any signs of trouble. I-a grabbed my nearest-a tool set and made my way to the basement. " Holy Ravioli!" is all I could think when I first saw the flooded basement. The Princess never had a problem this bad! Still I was-a determined to fix all the plumbing before the guest would notice. As I diligently worked A pipe had appeared from seemingly out of no where. As went over to investigate I was attacked by small little creatures who had pulled me down the pipe with them. Before I could react I was in an unfamiliar location. There I encountered the Koopa King and my long time nemesis Bowser. We did battle and I had-a emerged victorious like so many times before. But my victory was-a short-lived as I was attacked by an unknown menacing-a looking man and a strange creature with-a glowing yellow eyes. Than-a giant white glove appeared and I was imprisoned in tube-like holding cell. "Oh no." I had thought. How would I protect-a the Princess now? How would they know where I was? This time it was-a me who needed the rescuing. But I had to get a hold of myself. All hope was not lost. Luigi would protect the kingdom in my stead. I would get out of this. I can handle myself. After all. I'm-a SUPER MARIO!!! Hold-a on guys. I'm-a gonna get outta here! And when I do... It's-a Mario's time to shine. Bowser you haven't won yet! SUPER MARIO get you next time!!!