I feel like this thread has become nothing more than a bunch of people poking at a hive filled with africanized bees. 
But anyway, how about combining everyone's efforts into a single, uniformed, sprite style? That should please everyone or not.
1. Take Shinb's tune-up, and follow that as an example.
2. Add Gors' simplistic approach into shinb's sprite, my real gripe for getting into this style as it was a constant battle with those damn shinespots.
3. Follow what Hedge said, and do away with unnecessary detail. I hate how everyone thinks that sprites are pixel art. That mindset needs to go.
4. You ALL are not Abysswolf. Stop thinking you are and cramming all that uneseccary detail.
5. While TSR's crits are harsh, take note is that they are willing to help if you let them.
6. Use what you learned and adapt to the new situation. Humanity has been doing this for 1,000+ years.

But anyway, how about combining everyone's efforts into a single, uniformed, sprite style? That should please everyone or not.
1. Take Shinb's tune-up, and follow that as an example.
2. Add Gors' simplistic approach into shinb's sprite, my real gripe for getting into this style as it was a constant battle with those damn shinespots.
3. Follow what Hedge said, and do away with unnecessary detail. I hate how everyone thinks that sprites are pixel art. That mindset needs to go.
4. You ALL are not Abysswolf. Stop thinking you are and cramming all that uneseccary detail.
5. While TSR's crits are harsh, take note is that they are willing to help if you let them.
6. Use what you learned and adapt to the new situation. Humanity has been doing this for 1,000+ years.