(03-30-2015, 03:49 PM)Joxon Wrote:
Little side project. Thumbs up if you can tell what this is. I might just make a little ScepticEye 2D shooter, as a little side project. What do you think of the sprites? The two bottom sprites are a shot and charged shot.
EDIT: Changed the shading a little.
The sfx on this sprites effects looks wired. Effects should look like they glow outwards, which when sprited, doesn't have much shades or much of an out line if any (which is kinda what you did there but ya kinda spoofed). You fuinished it off with a dark shade, then followed up with a lighter one and a darker one after that while it would have been fine with just the dark one on the inside. I think thats what made it look off. I hope Im making sense, I'll try to show you what I mean when I'm on my laptop.