(07-18-2015, 03:24 PM)TheShyGuy Wrote: I'm haven't done anything 2D specifically, but is the ground collision mask accurate? Is that mask that we see the one that's actually being used for collision? It looks like the sprite's collision mask is what's colliding instead. Does she have gravity enabled to make the player fall onto the ground? Has she changed anything with the way Unity handles collisions (through script).
She didn't change anything in the script, and the ground tile mask is automatic (quad mesh with textures). Also she has gravity enabled (rigibody + physics 2D).
I have no idea how Unity works, but yeah my guess would be that either the ground or character has inaccurate collision hitboxes
Anyway I told her your pointers, she's gonna tinker with them and see if it'll produce any good results
EDIT: She checked the mask, and she found out it's "box collider 2D". Does this ring a bell? The main problem is that both collision boxes don't touch each other (there's a slight gap between them which makes the character sprite look like it's floating).