03-25-2017, 09:15 PM
Here's one. Regarding to the updates on the site. I understand that there's a limit on 250 sheets (or something like that) being shown on the page without the person clicking to see the whole update, but instead of this being after a certain point couldn't it be be certain amount of sheets per game or something?
I mean with the latest updates you have loads of sheets from Dragon Quest V but everything for the GBA, NGC, Master System, Mobile, NES, PC, Saturn, SNES and Wonder Swan is hidden behind the "Max of 250 sheets shown on home page. Click here to see the rest." wall. Not only am I not too sure how many people see that to 'click here' but it seems a bit weird giving 'favouritism' to sheets just because of where the name of the console they are on falls in the alphabet.
I mean with the latest updates you have loads of sheets from Dragon Quest V but everything for the GBA, NGC, Master System, Mobile, NES, PC, Saturn, SNES and Wonder Swan is hidden behind the "Max of 250 sheets shown on home page. Click here to see the rest." wall. Not only am I not too sure how many people see that to 'click here' but it seems a bit weird giving 'favouritism' to sheets just because of where the name of the console they are on falls in the alphabet.