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VirtuaFighter 1 Model problems..
Big Grin 
I've no experience in ripping models and textures, but I found a program that was able to extract the model data from the PC version (Which is VF1 Remix), I can't seem to get the texture files to open correctly though, anyone have any experience in this? Also a really neat thing to note; The models are exactly the same as the original Saturn game outside the faces that were adjusted for texture maps instead of polys. (So I just slapped some materials on it to test, everything's exactly the same.) 
Anyway, I'd love to see more Saturn rips(/pc ports), though seeing how these work...I can definitely see why there aren't.
EditSadForgot to mention, they are all triangulated as this is the pc port saddly..No quads  Sad )

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VirtuaFighter 1 Model problems.. - by Roninleo - 04-12-2017, 01:24 AM

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